Bay City, MI July 23.2018 (Last Email!!)

Hello everyone! So, this week has been pretty interesting. We picked up two new investigators, went on trade offs, and other stuff that I can't remember cause it went by so fast that I honestly have no recollection of anything. Whoops. 

But, in other news, tomorrow I will be going home. My anxiety and depression have been taking a huge toll on me. My mission President and I talked and we felt it would be best if I returned home. So this will be my last email as a full time missionary. 

I can honestly say though that this gospel is true. I have loved every minute of being a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This work has helped me to grow and become a better person. I've had times where I've had to better myself, suck it up, and open my mouth and preach. It's helped me to become a better person. I now understand what hard work truly means. But in order to continue working hard you have to take care of yourself. If you arent in good health, you won't be able to help others. I would give anything to not have to finish my mission right now, but I have to take care of myself so that I can continue to help others. I have loved this work and the people that I've had the chance to meet and get to know. I'm grateful for the companions that Ice had. They have each helped me to become better and have helped me to gain a stronger testimony of this gospel. My mission President and his wife have helped me to know what true kindness and love looks like in action. I am grateful for this restored gospel. It is a gospel of second chances and of love. 

I love you all and am grateful for the support, love, and prayers that you have each shown and sent to me. 

- Sister Summer Freeman  

From Sis Freeman's parents-We have loved having a missionary and will miss the extra blessings that come from having someone serve from your family.  We have been blessed immensely with safety, comfort, guidance and peace as a direct result of Sis Freeman's service.  The church, her Mission Pres, herself and us are considering this an honorable release and we will have great joy tomorrow welcoming her home.  Brek says it's Christmas in July!!  We are absolutely thrilled to see her and hug her again. There will be hard days ahead as we work to help her restore her health.  Your continued prayers will be much appreciated.  Also your dedication to her mission and going ons has been a blessing in our lives as well as hers.  Those that live close, you will be seeing her around.  We are excited for her to embark on the next chapter of her life.  Again thank you all your love and support.

WIth Love,
Eric and Tricia Freeman


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