Owosso, MI April 2.2018

General Conference was so amazing!! I didn't want it to end! Michigan hasn't gotten the hint that it is now Spring so its still chilly over here a bit. Nobody is wearing their jackets though cause its finally 35-40 degrees everyday now.Oh my goodness President Nelson is so funny! I couldn't get over it!! Seeing him in person was even better! I am so glad that I had the opportunity to meet him and to shake his hand. He looked directly at me the next day as we were singing the closing hymn. It was amazing. He is definitely a prophet of God. He is so in tune with the Spirit. All the changes that are happening in the church? You could feel the Spirit so strong as he was talking about the changes that were going to be taking place in the church. It was amazing.

Last Tuesday we had Zone Conference... And no, we didn't get our phones. Not everyone's parents had sent the phones in so we have to wait until ALL the phones are in for the mission before we get them. Which is gonna be interesting since the new missionaries who are going to be coming from the MTC will already have their phones. I don't know how this is all going to work out. BUT this weekend was stressful! Thankfully, we got the biggest news and the most wonderful news ever! So, we were going to meet with Jay on Friday night and remind her to watch General Conference over the weekend. When we texted her grandma to see if we could go over, she told us that Jay had already left with her dad and brother for the weekend. Que the stress. Yikes. I mean if you were 9 and going to a water park for the weekend, would you remember to watch one session of General Conference? I sure wouldn't. So, we were worried. Well, we found out yesterday night that Jay and her brother had gotten back a little before the last session of General Conference and that she watched all 2 hours of it! That means that she can get baptized on Saturday!!!! We are so excited for her!! She has been wanting to get baptized for the longest time and now her dream is coming true! She is just amazing! So cool miracle that was able to happen. Yesterday we watched General Conference at the Mission home with a couple other missionaries in the Lansing Zone! After we got back to Owosso, we quickly went over to see our investigator, Hilda. She is just so cute. She has a spine injury that doctors can't fix so she is constantly in pain. So sad. She got a Priesthood blessing on Friday night and she said that although the pain wasn't gone, she felt as though she had more energy to do things! She said it was amazing! We spent the rest of Easter Sunday with her since no family came to see her yesterday and we watched some scenes from Christs' life with her. She has such a strong testimony of what Jesus Christ has done for her and for all people. You can tell that she truly does love her Savior Jesus Christ. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!! Remember to share the gospel. Bring up the things that you have learned in General Conference with the way that you talk, look, and act. Elder Neil L. Anderson said: "... stop putting question marks behind the prophets words, and instead, put exclamation points behind his words!" "A prophet is a watchmen on the tower" "...it is not blind faith" "The prophets voice brings us spiritual safety." "Anchoring our souls to Jesus Christ requires listening to a prophets voice." 
-Sister Summer Freeman 
Waiting to get into the church for zone conference and it rained on their hair!!

Sis Freeman Sis Crandall and Sis Pierce MTC companion and roommates.  They all arrived in Michigan at the same time.

Sis Freeman and Sis Grant knocking doors and nobody is answering

Always has to have a picture of an animal

SIs Freeman got to meet Pres. Nelson before he was the prophet.  She got to shake his hand and speak with him for a few moments.


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