Bay City, MI May 28.2018 (Angel sister, Shawnee's birthday)
Hello!! Happy Memorial Day!!
Wow this past week has been crazy!! So much has happened it's insane! The weather is SOOOO hot right now. It's insane! Marnie did get baptized on Saturday! We are so happy for her! Before she got immersed though, her boyfriend Joe and her were in the font and while he was saying the baptismal prayer, she started to cry! It was such a sweet and tender moment. There is a huge change in her since we first met with her up until the day she got baptized and the day after that when she got the gift of the Holy Ghost. Being able to see the change that the gospel brings to someone's life first hand is incredible! I can't even describe the way it feels. We actually had a lesson this morning as well which was pretty cool. His name is Brian. We were able to put him on date for June 30. The last Saturday of the month. He is learning everything so quickly it's insane! He's such a great guy. Shawnda is supposed to be getting baptized this Saturday but she hasn't been talking to us so we are guessing that it's probably not happening. She just gets stuck on the Law of Chastity. So sad. We are really hoping to get in contact with her again sometime soon. Hopefully we do!! Tasha is on date for June 16. We are beyond excited for her. She said that if she was gonna get baptized though, she needed rides to church, she needed to start coming to church, and that we needed to start all the lessons over again so that she actually understands things. So cool!! The gospel is really changing her life. You can just see it. She has such a strong testimony of prayer. Other than all that, our week has been pretty good. We did a lot of service this week, had a lot of weird moments (nothing new though
), but we had a lot of miracles as well. This gospel is so true! Missionary work is hard and it is scary. But what would life be like without those things? Christ himself was faced with hard times. Yet he kept going. He kept moving forward. He kept sharing the good news. Invite a friend to church! Share your testimony on social media. There are so many ways to share the gospel. So share away!!! I love you all and am so proud of all of you!!
Sister Summer Freeman 

1. The first spider... 

2. Awkward pic of trying to get dogs to look at me/the Book of Mormon
3. When you're just done with the heat
4. I loved getting down and dirty in the dirt to help someone in the ward plan flowers!! (I would love to mow some grass right now)
5. Us and Marnie before she got baptized!
My favorite dogs here in Bay City all live in the same house!! Meet Elvis the hound, corki the corgi, and penny the corgi. They are so dang cute!! More pics of Elvis though cause she is my favorite! Her owner said that after my mission I get to take her home. Don't worry mom, she's neutered
🤣 the last picture was taken after we left yesterday. Elvis was sad!
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