Owosso, MI January 22.2018

NOTE FROM THE MOMMA:  It's terrible when your missionary forgets to bring her camera so she can't upload her pictures that she took of her new area and apartment...How is a momma's heart supposed to be satisfied with NO DETAILS!!

Sister Freeman's new address
1155 N. Chipman Apt. #1
Owosso, MI 48867

Owosso is great! I love it here! Sister King and I get along so well! Her and I actually got food poisoning yesterday though so that wasn't very fun. But hey, we're better now! We have an investigator on date for February 10. Her name is Jolee. We picked up a new investigator the day that I got to Owosso which was awesome! We have been doing lots of door knocking, which is fine with me. I have definitely gotten out of my comfort zone a lot and been able to talk to people about the gospel nonstop on doorsteps or while we are walking on the sidewalk and they are also walking on the sidewalk. I love sharing the gospel everyday! It makes me so so happy!! The Book of Mormon has been a huge help to me on my mission so far. On Tuesday or Wednesday, I was feeling a bit scared just cause I was in a new area with a new companion, and in the Book of Mormon in Alma 17:10. I was immediately comforted and knew that the Lord needed me here in Owosso! I love the gospel with all of my heart and know that the Lord helps each and everyone of us as long as we are willing to turn to him in humility. Yesterday in Church, there was a question asked that really made me think. "What was so important to you that you didn't have time to read the Book of Mormon?". From President Nelsons talk in this last conference we learned that a King said that the Book of Mormon was more precious to him than diamonds and rubies! So why are we setting the Book of Mormon aside? We should be reading it everyday! Whether it be personally or together as a family!

I love you all so much!! Happy Birthday Brek! Hope your birthday was as amazing as you! 
Love, Sister Summer Freeman 

P.S. my headaches are almost nonexistent most of the time!

Sis Freeman also said that they are still getting smart phones....sometime...they don't know when.  In Okemos, Sis. Freeman was emailing from the library but now she gets to email from the family history center.  She also says that they get fed almost every night from ward members.


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