Bay City, MI July 23.2018 (Last Email!!)
Hello everyone! So, this week has been pretty interesting. We picked up two new investigators, went on trade offs, and other stuff that I can't remember cause it went by so fast that I honestly have no recollection of anything. Whoops. But, in other news, tomorrow I will be going home. My anxiety and depression have been taking a huge toll on me. My mission President and I talked and we felt it would be best if I returned home. So this will be my last email as a full time missionary. I can honestly say though that this gospel is true. I have loved every minute of being a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This work has helped me to grow and become a better person. I've had times where I've had to better myself, suck it up, and open my mouth and preach. It's helped me to become a better person. I now understand what hard work truly means. But in order to continue working hard you have to take care of yourself. If you aren...