Bay City, MI July 16.2018

Alright, so this email is for my big email. The next email is just for you mom. 

Anyway, for other news, Sister Anderson and I have decided to build up the ward more by finding all 235 people who have not been coming to church for years! So, we are now doing a wall thar has all the names of the families and individuals that are not coming to church. It's going to be awesome! Also, since I have 6 months to sexy, life is hard!! I snack on only carrots and broccoli! Not a bad thing... but still!!! Haha but other than that, we didn't have that much happen this week. We try to doorknock every day, and some days are better than others. The humidity is killing me!! Right now we have 3 investigators on date right now. We dropped Tasha because any time she makes an appointment, she says she's too tired when we show up. The thing is she sleeps all day so... It's whatever. We are hopefully going to be picking up 2 new investigators this week. We are planning on doing lots of less active work!! 

Also, yes mom, I got the packages with the ensigns and shirt, as well as the one with the deet. Not sure if there was supposed to be something else before those two packages though. If not, that's alright. This week has been a huge struggle with my anxiety and depression. It was so bad!! It has nothing to do with my companion or anything, just stress about losing weight! 🤣 but seriously though... diet pills would be appreciated right now (hint hint)

I don't know what else to say really... this week went by so fast I hardly remember anything! 

But if there's anything I want ya to get from all of this is that prayer is real!! It works! Heavenly Father is so willing to talk to us as we talk to Him! It's not a one way conversation, He answers back! Have a notebook close by and when you ask a question, or even if you're just rambling, listen! He speaks back! Write down what He says to you! I have never felt closer to my Father in Heaven than I have now. I'm grateful for this gospel. It's changed my life. I love being able to share it with others! I hope you all love sharing it as much as I do! 

Love you!!!
- Sister Summer Freeman

So, if you could add Hannah Carroll to my big email, that would be great. Also, if I were to invite her to be at the airport when I came home, would you be mad? 

Alright, so Jonathan, Aaron and Andrew King have been on my mind this week. How are they? If you could, would you reach out to them? Ya know, just share your favorite verse that you read that day, a quote that has really helped you, etc. The church needs them. They don't need the gospel. The church needs them. They have gifts and abilities that could help to strengthen others who are struggling in the gospel. The Lord needs them on His side. Reach out to them please!!! How are Bode and Brek? How's Dad? Haven't heard from him in a while. It would be nice to though!

Anyway, I love you!!! Hope you guys don't miss me too much! 
- Sister Summer Freeman

Also, I found some Mormon funny stuff the other day and I just HAD to share it with you guys!! The minion one is meant for Owen since he's going to the MTC soon!! Tell him good luck for me! He's gone love being a missionary!! 


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