Facebook Post, July 12.2018
1 year ago today I left my family and friends for 18 months to help others know of the love and peace that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can honestly say that every single day is hard. But I don't regret those hard days. When I found that the gospel of Jesus Christ was true, I knew that I needed to do something to help others come closer to our Heavenly Father. So I did. I got a letter in the mail telling me that I would be privileged to serve in the Michigan Lansing Mission. I don't regret one second of that choice. Being a missionary is hard. But when you know something is true, what do you do? You share it with others. I have made that decision and with the last 6 months that I have I will be working harder than ever. This work is true!! The miracles that I have seen have strengthened my testimony in knowing that I have a loving Heavenly Father. I get the opportunity to try again each and every day as I repent and try to be better at doing the Lord's will. I have the amazing opportunity to go out each day and share the Book of Mormon with others. The messages found on its pages are life changing! I invite each of you to read it and ask God, your Heavenly father, if it is true. I have asked and I have come to know it is true. If you come to know that the Book of Mormon is true, what will you do?
Message me if you have questions,

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