Last week in the MTC-Aug 1, 2017

I'm feeling a bit nervous which is to be expected haha but I am sad too because I'm gonna miss not seeing everyone in my district all the time. Four of the elders are going to be serving in Idaho Falls so if you ever go up there look out for Elders Eck, Davidsen, Lewis and Garrow. If you ever see them make sure to take a selfie and send the pic to me!! I can honestly say that I needed these people in my life. As much fun as college is, the MTC trumps all. I have never felt so close to people in my entire life. It seems like I've known them my whole life! 

I am leaving at 4 in the morning and our flight is around 9. I am going to be calling you all so make sure to look out for an odd number. I'm guessing that I will call you when we land in Lansing. I am honestly 99% sure that I'm gonna cry when I hear everyone's voices. Make sure Brek is around so that I can also talk to him a little bit too! I wrote Bode and Lexi a letter and just sent it this morning so hopefully you get that soon. Does Bode love baling at night? I know it was always really fun to bale at night but it was a little hard to see if someone else was on your row. 

How was Jaysons talk? Can you send it to me? I honestly know that he is going to have an awesome time at the MTC and make so many life long friends here. The Spirit is so strong here that it's weird to think that I'll be leaving tomorrow

What was the outcome of the lawsuit?

Also, how is Bode doing? I had a prompting to pray and fast for him on Sunday.We all know that he acts like this unbreakable guy but everyone has their breaking points and I know that he gets upset by the words that people speak at times. Especially when they're directed towards him. Just take good care of him for me. I know that I was always the one that would usually start things but I never realized how much of a real softy he is until I came here. 

I love you so much!! 
-Sister Freeman

Letter to Lexi

Thanks so much Tina!!! I miss you all so much! It's gonna be super hard to leave the MTC and especially hard to not see my district everyday. But the MTC was a great experience and one that I will never forget. Sister Custer actually got sent home last Tuesday due to issues with her kidney. We got a new Sister in our room though (who left this morning to Everett, Washington) Sister Pedersen. She's from Auckland, New Zealand!! She was super sweet and I learned so much from her this past week. We also had two other girls (Sister Christensen and Sister McMullin) leave to Calgary, Canada. It was sad saying bye to everyone but I honestly know that they're gonna be great missionaries! I just sent you and Bode a letter this morning so be expecting that! There's also a little something in there for you, too ;) 
How is Bode doing? I got a prompting to pray and fast for him the other day so I've continued to pray for him. Make sure that he's doing alright. He might act tough but we all know he's the biggest softy ever. Be kind with your words towards him. I regret the things that I said to him because I can see that it really has taken its toll on him. So please be kind to him. When he asks you to do something with him, do it. You never regret the memories that are made with your family. I know I sure don't regret any of mine. 

For Insta:
Three weeks have flown by and I'm on my way to Michigan tomorrow morning!! It's going to be super hard to say bye to all the friends that I've made (especially the ones going to Idaho). So if you're going to Idaho soon look out for Elders Lewis, Eck, Davidsen and Garrow. They're the best and I know that Idaho is going to be super blessed to have them. I've learned so much from being here and I can honestly say without a doubt that I will never regret the time that I've been here. I've had a few good friends go home during these three weeks here (one from depression and another from Kidney troubles) and I miss them so much but am so thankful for the time I got to spend with them. My companion Sister Crandell is the best! I definitely needed her in my life! She is one of my best friends now and it's going to be super hard to get a new companion in Michigan, but I'm thankful for what I learned from her. I'm excited to serve the people of Michigan. 18 months (or 2 years) seems like a long time but it's only 10% of our lives that we are giving back to the Lord. I'm thankful for all the memories that I've made here at the MTC and I know that Michigan is where I need to be. 

(Just look through the pictures and find some with everyone, some with Sis. Crandell and then other fun ones that you find). 

I love you so much!! Keep being a good example!! I love you so much!!!
Your favorite missionary,
Sister Freeman ❤❤


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