MTC #2-July 18, 2017
You know when you see the caller ID and it's Provo, Utah...that feeling you get that something isn't right...Well that call came this morning. Sister Freeman has blood in her ear. She is going to the ENT doctor in Provo and the MTC was calling to let us know and then to also ask insurance questions. However, we did get a few correspondence from Sister Freeman. Here are her 2nd letters from the MTC.
I miss you so much too!! This week has honestly been amazing though! My companion is Sister Crandell (I follow her on Instagram). Seeing wyatt was amazing! You can tell that he's excited to serve in Jamaica. The first week at the MTC was busy but I have an awesome district (all the Elders in my district are amazing and super fun to be around!) I have gotten 3 blessings since being here. Two from being sick (I have bleeding in my eardrum) and one for comfort. We had an Elder go home yesterday which was pretty sad but we just remember to keep him in our prayers. You could tell that he was missing home and it was hard for him to be here. I cried the second night that I was here (a lot) just because I missed everyone at home so much (especially you). The first night of being here the sisters in my room (Sister Custer, Pierce, Christensen, McMullen, Crandell and I) locked ourselves out of our residence so we had to go and get an extra key from the office (which didn't even work) and then we had to go back again and find another key. Eventually we got back into our residence. It was a pretty fun night. Meeting the Elders that were in our district was a little weird because they're all so outgoing- which no one expected. Sister Crandell and I have started to teach some lessons here at the MTC which is really good. It's honestly a good thing that I'm going english speaking because learning a language and trying to learn how to teach in that language would be so hard. The Elders in my district are Elder Rowley (think of how everyone mispronounces rowleys last name and that's how its said), Elder Petersen, Elder Hirschmann (like Mr. Hershman), Elder Kunz, Elder Eck, Elder Lewis (who just turned 19), Elder Garrow, Elder Davidsen, Elder Cloward, and Elder Marten. Classes are super fun to go to with the district because we have the best teachers in the world who go along with the Elders jokes. I've learned so much here at the MTC and can't wait to learn more! Tell Bode and Brek that I love them and miss them too! Let them know that Elder Garrow (one of the funniest Elders ever) can do the joker voice and the Kronk voice like a pro! I'm sure Brek would love him! I'll be emailing some photos soon (I hope). If not then you'll have to wait for some next week! I love you so much!!
I miss you so much too!! This week has honestly been amazing though! My companion is Sister Crandell (I follow her on Instagram). Seeing wyatt was amazing! You can tell that he's excited to serve in Jamaica. The first week at the MTC was busy but I have an awesome district (all the Elders in my district are amazing and super fun to be around!) I have gotten 3 blessings since being here. Two from being sick (I have bleeding in my eardrum) and one for comfort. We had an Elder go home yesterday which was pretty sad but we just remember to keep him in our prayers. You could tell that he was missing home and it was hard for him to be here. I cried the second night that I was here (a lot) just because I missed everyone at home so much (especially you). The first night of being here the sisters in my room (Sister Custer, Pierce, Christensen, McMullen, Crandell and I) locked ourselves out of our residence so we had to go and get an extra key from the office (which didn't even work) and then we had to go back again and find another key. Eventually we got back into our residence. It was a pretty fun night. Meeting the Elders that were in our district was a little weird because they're all so outgoing- which no one expected. Sister Crandell and I have started to teach some lessons here at the MTC which is really good. It's honestly a good thing that I'm going english speaking because learning a language and trying to learn how to teach in that language would be so hard. The Elders in my district are Elder Rowley (think of how everyone mispronounces rowleys last name and that's how its said), Elder Petersen, Elder Hirschmann (like Mr. Hershman), Elder Kunz, Elder Eck, Elder Lewis (who just turned 19), Elder Garrow, Elder Davidsen, Elder Cloward, and Elder Marten. Classes are super fun to go to with the district because we have the best teachers in the world who go along with the Elders jokes. I've learned so much here at the MTC and can't wait to learn more! Tell Bode and Brek that I love them and miss them too! Let them know that Elder Garrow (one of the funniest Elders ever) can do the joker voice and the Kronk voice like a pro! I'm sure Brek would love him! I'll be emailing some photos soon (I hope). If not then you'll have to wait for some next week! I love you so much!!
Love, Sister Freeman
My companion is Sister Crandell. We followed each other on instagram before we both came to the MTC actually! She's from Arizona and is absolutely amazing!! She's helping me get out of my comfort zone and talk to people! I don't think I've talked so much in my life! I just emailed Lexi too telling her some things that have been going on here as well! I was also able to see Jeff Freeman! It was so cool!! He's super excited to go to Hong Kong but his passport and visa got stolen so he'll have to go stateside for a little bit to wait for his new visa and passport before he can go to Hong Kong. In my district I have Sister Pierce and Custer (who I share a residence with) Elders Rowley (think of how people always say rowleys last name wrong and that's how its pronounced), Petersen, Hirschmann (Mr. Hershman), Kunz, Eck, Lewis, Garrow (who Brek would love!), Davidsen (who kind of reminds me of Bode), Cloward, and Marten. They are the best!! Sadly, we aren't all going to Michigan. About half of them are going to Idaho. Including Sister Custer. I'll email you again later today just to let you know what's going on with my ear. I love you!!
Love, Sister Freeman
UPDATE ON BLEEDING EAR: I went and I found out that from one of the plane rides (Denver to Spokane) there was too much pressure. So when my ears finally popped it just bruised the inside of my ears. So it's nothing to worry about thankfully
UPDATE ON BLEEDING EAR: I went and I found out that from one of the plane rides (Denver to Spokane) there was too much pressure. So when my ears finally popped it just bruised the inside of my ears. So it's nothing to worry about thankfully
Here are Sister Freeman and Elder Jensen, sure not to touch each other!! Cousin missionaries. Hopefully she will get a few more pictures with other cousins like Logan RIcks and Jeff Freeman.

This is Sister Freeman's MTC companion, Sister Crandell from Arizona.
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