MTC #3-July 25, 2017

I have not gotten my package yet but my district leader is checking the mail this morning so I guess I just need to go and find him! My companion bought some writing supplies and let me borrow some stuff so that I could send you that letter. I felt really homesick and something told me that I needed to send a hand written letter home. 
Sadly there's no corn on the cob here either but I honestly don't think there ever will be! Haha I saw Wyatt today! I should've asked him what his email was so that I could tell you! That other Wyatt Jensen must think you're hilarious. I bet building a house is hard (hopefully Lexi is helping you). How's everyone doing?? How's Brek? I emailed Lexi earlier today but I need to go back and get my camera so that I can send you pictures! I love you!
-Sister Freeman

(She commented on the pictures that I sent her, of Michelle and Travis Schultz, and 24th Celebration)
That is so awesome!! Tell them congratulations for me!! Looks like the 24th celebration was really fun! The only thing that changed around here is that we didn't get mail haha other than that everything was pretty normal! 

I'll send pictures later today but I saw Wyatt today which was awesome! He leaves tomorrow to go to California for six weeks while he waits for his visa to come. I saw Collin Freeman at devotional sunday night and we took a picture. I've seen Brian Hawkins around a lot! Same with Jax Whitby and Jeff Freeman! It's nice to see familiar faces once in a while! 
(Commenting on a package coming for her)
Alright sweet! I'll have to find my district leader and see if there's a package for me then!

We went to the temple today!! It was so amazing! I saw Aunt Sara's mom there!! I also got Breks picture today!! Tell him I said thanks and that I love it so much!!!

(Letter to Lexi)
Tina!! My ears are just bruised so all I can do is let them heal. I leave next Wednesday morning at 3 or 4 in the morning (from the MTC) and then we fly to Detroit at 9 something and then from Detroit to Lansing. I saw Wyatt today which was pretty fun cause he leaves tomorrow to go to California for six weeks cause he's waiting for his visa to come. I also heard about Cole (he can go out but he has to write a letter and then give it to his Stake President but his Stake President is gone for two weeks which means that Cole can't go to Detroit until the end of August. I'm not as homesick this week thankfully but it is different having to go to bed early... Everyone in my room wakes up during the night and then falls back asleep 10-15 minutes later. I wake up at least 3 times during the night. I am super excited to go to Michigan but also really nervous because teaching investigators at the MTC is way different than teaching out in the mission field. I have a super awesome district (I'll send you the pictures later today) and I am super sad that half of them are going to Idaho Falls. When you go back to Rexburg in the fall look out for Elders Eck, Lewis, Davidsen and Garrow. Also look out for Sister Custer. They're all really awesome and I have learned so much from each of them. During lessons that my companion and I teach to investigators is super awesome. When you talk it's not even you! Literally you get so carried away in the Spirit that you can lose track of time. We had a 45 minute lesson yesterday and accidentally went for an hour! But that's what happens when the Spirit is so strong. Even our investigator was crying!! It was a great experience and experiences like those make me really excited to go to Michigan!! I love you Tina!!!
-Sister Freeman 
PS... tell Bode and Brek that I'm gonna try to send a video of Elder Garrow doing the joker voice (off of Batman)... honestly it's kinda scary 


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