Okemose, MI August 28, 2017

I have been doing so good! Sister Newby is from Monroe, Utah. I don't know if that's how you spell it but it looks right haha. She has an older sister and a younger sister. She is the only one in her family that is active in the church right now so it's really hard. You could send it to either. If you're worried that it's going to get lost, send it to the mission office. If you're not worried, send it straight to my apartment. It's crazy that Bode is already a freshmen in high school. He's gonna either love it or hate it, that's for sure! That sucks that Dads ear started bleeding! But mine were only bruised from the pressure from the plane ride from Wyoming to Spokane. I just sent a letter out this morning to dad but I will most definitely be sending Brek a handwritten letter soon! I got the necklace, letter and picture. I loved them so much! It really brightened up my day! 

On Friday we had a multi-zone conference in Grand Rapids and I got to see some people from my MTC district there! 

Sister Pierce, Elder Peterson and Elder Rowley, and then Elder Kunz. I also saw Elder cloward but I didn't get to get a picture taken with him. Ask dad about the pictures that I sent to him! I got to hold a chameleon! It was so cool!! 

I love you!!
So, on Saturday night Elder Peterson's companion, Elder Call was able to give a blessing after we had a dinner appointment. She's a little less active in the church and her husband is not a member. During the prayer that she was giving to invite the Spirit, Elder Call got the impression/ thought to tell her in the blessing that the baby would be fine. He thought that was weird because he didn't even know if they were trying to have a baby. After the prayer, she told everyone that they had been trying for years to have a baby and she's been getting a lot of anxiety thinking that she would never be a mom. So during the blessing he let her know that the baby would be just fine. The Spirit was so strong! After the blessing she said that she doesn't even know if she's pregnant yet. It was a great experience! 

Another miracle that I've seen is after the dinner appointment my companion and I didn't know where we needed to go finding at. So we pulled into a parking lot and we said a prayer for guidance. We got the answer that we needed to go and find but not where. So I told my companion to just start driving and basically listen to the promptings that she received. We ended up finding a really nice neighborhood and after a minute of driving around we parked and my companion told me that the red house is the house that we needed to go and knock on the door. Well, we did and the lady who lives there is still learning english and also how to use a phone. We gave her our number anyways. We kept driving and I told my companion to stop because I saw a house that we needed to go to. We parked and we went and talked to the man who lives there with his wife and kids. His name was Nate and he actually knows a lot about the church because his best friend is the son of the Bishop over the ward that we are in! We left him with our number as well and then headed back to the apartment. It was a super cool night with lots of miracles.
We had a multi-zone conference on Friday which was super fun!! I got to see some people from my MTC district! I'll send you pictures! I got to hold a chameleon the other day which was super fun! It felt weird though haha! Michigan people are definitely interesting! If they talk a lot we call them gander-ranters! And boy there are a lot of those!!
Sis Freeman and Sis Pearce

Elder (missionary stance)

The neighbor's pet

Not scared!! A bit surprised at that!!

Sis Newby and Sis Freeman

Marilyn and Aunt Kay


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