Okemos, MI August 21, 2017
That is super awesome that Bode was on TV! Did he get my letter yet? Also, what is Grandma and Grandpas address cause I wrote a letter to them and then realized I didn't know their address. Maybe I should start writing these things down... 
Everything so far has been really amazing! We started teaching a Chinese family this week so it's definitely been an adventure! Thankfully, their kids have American names unlike their parents. Their grandma is the first one we met when she showed up to church last week! We met the parents and the only one in the family who can speak really good english is the dad/husband so it's pretty interesting. We are working on another one of our investigators getting baptised right now but she is super nervous about what her family will think. Honestly, she goes to church every week already, attended Institute and asked us if you could have a calling in the church without being baptised. She is super dedicated to the church but isn't sure about baptism yet. She's super cool though! I really hope that she finds the answer she is looking for though (to get baptised or not).
We've had an investigator drop us because her husband told her that it wasn't good for her or the kids' salvation to be talking to us. So that was a little sad. We ended up finding a previous investigator who would drop missionaries because he didn't want to stop smoking. He called us twice this week while he was drunk. The second time he told us to leave him alone. We haven't heard from him since yesterday afternoon so maybe he'll leave us alone now! 
Sister Newby and I ended up getting bit by chiggers which wasn't very fun haha those things itch like crazy! The worst part is that you shouldn't itch them though because if you do, they get infected! Well, we didn't know that. They aren't infected but it was definitely not fun to have them! I also apparently walked into poison ivy and got it all over the inside of my left arm. That wasn't fun either. When we called in about it they told me not to itch it and then touch somewhere else on my body. I agreed and you can only guess what I did after 
We got back into our car 5-10 minutes later and I ended up itching it and then touching my leg! Thankfully they didn't spread onto my leg though haha but somehow they got onto my right arm right by my wrist. I don't know how that happened though... So last week was very eventful to say the least!
This week has been super fun! Yesterday was Sister Newby's birthday and we had dinner at a members house along with the Bishop and his wife. The Elders were there, too so it was a blast! Since the bishops wife knew it was her bithday she made a cake for her and brought some ice cream. Well, I didn't finish the desert to say the least. I barely finished the steak! Elder Petersen and I stopped after one plate and one serving of everything while our trainers kept eating. You can definitely tell who's been out here longer! It was super cool to get to know Elder Call a little bit better last night too. Turns out he knows Tyrelle Holst! They hunted together one time! I guess when you live in a small community things like that happen, though!
I love you mom! Sorry I haven't taken many pictures. I've been a little busy trying to get used to the schedule and everything first before I bring out the camera!
Chigger bites circled in blue to watch their growth.
Poison Ivy also documented to watch it's growth.
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