Okemos, MI Sept. 26.2017
Well, this week has been up and down. Started out really good! Monday was P-day, Tuesday we had zone conference with Elder Snow from the 70, trade-offs on MSU campus on Wednesday with Sister Knight and Sister Fletcher, then sick days in our apartment for Thursday and Friday. We were told to stay inside because it's not gonna do any good if we are out and about getting other people sick. I guess it was good that we didn't have a car last week or else we would've been out and about talking to people. We thought that we were feeling better on Saturday to go out so we started walking from one side of Okemos to the other before getting drained of all energy not even halfway through our walk. We had a miracle happen that day though! So, since we were both tired, Sister Newby sat down on the sidewalk and decided to contact members and see if there was any service that we could do for them preferably inside service though since the weather on Saturday was 93 degrees (hence the pictures that you got from a member. We were making applesauce). As we were doing that a minivan drove past then turned around. The woman yelled out her window, "Sisters, do you have any water?" We didn't know her, had never seen her at church, so we wondered how she knew to call us 'sisters'. I was smart and brought water but sister Newby didn't. So the woman pulled into a school parking lot and we walked over to get some water from her. Turns out she is an inactive! She gave us her address so we are definitely going to stop by sometime and see if we can get her back to church. She has kids so it's definitely important for all of them that they come back to church. Since we over did it on Saturday, we ended up feeling worse on Sunday and only made it to ward council and Sacrament meeting before we both felt like we needed to go back to our apartment and rest. Since we still didn't have a car, we got a ride from a member. She even had her husband (aka the bishop) drop off some soup for us later that night. Turns out that half the ward went home because half of them were sick too! Yesterday we felt good enough to go to District Meeting and Interviews with President Brennan so we got ready and went over there. Apparently we looked worse than we felt. As interviews go on, Sister Brennan and the Zone Leaders talk with us more on ways that we can become more engaged in the work. Before interviews started President looked at Sister Newby and I and then said, "I'm gonna start with the sisters, then after they're done with interviews, I'm gonna take an Elder out and then the sisters are gonna get Priesthood blessings before going back to their apartment and getting some rest." So, Sister Newby got her interview done, then before I did, he asked Elder Boyack to give Sister Newby a blessing and he asked Elder Call to give me a blessing. So, I went in and got my interview done and then went back and Sister Newby and I got Priesthood blessings. Now, Elder Call is really spiritually in tune with all the promptings that he gets so there was a lot of power in the blessing that he gave me. Two of the things that he said and even repeated were, "I command that your body heal." It was so powerful! I don't even know how to describe the feeling that I got when he said those words. The other thing that he said that stuck out to me was,"Heavenly Father has a work for you to do." That is honestly something that I have been really struggling with. I haven't seen much success with just about anything. We had our chinese family drop us because both the mom and the dad are students (one at MSU and the other at LCC- Lansing community college) so they are both really busy studying with that and taking care of their kids at the same time. They said that they will continue to pray though so that was really good! But, I just feel like no one is really progressing with what we are teaching them so it's kind of hard. There are a lot of family situations that hold 4 of our investigators back from being baptized but we know that one day everything with their families will work out for the best and they will become members of the church. It's been a slow kind of a week so there isn't much to tell you about but there have been a lot of miracles that have happened since we have gotten sick. As sister Newby was taking a nap one day, I decided to contact people who had been dropped previously. So, I read why they were dropped and then decided from that whether or not to contact that person. I was doing that when one name really stuck out to me. I contacted her and she texted us back! She said that the week before she had been talking to her family about the missionaries and had some questions for us! We are going to go and drop off a Book of Mormon to her tomorrow evening and try and answer as many questions as we can! After she texted back and I was saying my prayers before bed later that night, I realized why Heavenly Father had let me get sick (I had gotten a blessing from President before and he promised me that I wouldn't get sick). If I wouldn't have been sick, I wouldn't have even thought to contact her! It was a good thing that I listened to that prompting! I love you all! Keep me updated on how everything is going! It's good to hear that you are all doing well!
Love ya!
-Sista Freeman 
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