Okemos, MI Oct. 9.2017

(Sis Freeman responding to hearing about Verdene Jenks accident) Oh wow that is so sad! I will definitely write her! I think that the prayers have really been working because we had some miracles this week! We got 3 potential investigators, 1 new investigator and then some really cool news!!

So, backstory really fast. We were in Lansing (in the only area that we have in Lansing anyways) and we didn't know where to go finding at. So, we pulled off the road and said a prayer. Afterwards, we looked back at the map and Sis. Newby pointed out one street which we both felt pretty good about. So, we went over there and started knocking on some doors. No one was really interested. So, after we had just gotten rejected at another house, we turned around and there was this guy walking down the road with a backpack and a bike! So, we went over and talked to him. We found out that he's homeless but he told us that he knew God has a plan for him. He just doesn't know what it is yet. In all honesty, as we were talking to him in that neighborhood I didn't know whether or not to believe his story (since there are a lot of people who act as homeless people, but aren't actually homeless). Well, we gave him a Book of Mormon, sang "I am a Child of God" to him and that same day we planned on meeting him at Burger King. So, we took him to Burger King, got him some food, and apparently as he was waiting for us, he was flipping through the BofM and saw some verses that he really liked. He showed them to us and we're pretty sure it was in Alma 13 right at the end. It was so cool! As we kept talking to him, I felt this overwhelming feeling telling me that he was telling the truth! The thought following that feeling was "This is someones son. And his mom is surely worried about him." I opened up a lot more after that and we were all able to feel the Spirit way stronger after that. It was so humbling to see him take that first sip of clean water and eat some good food that wasn't from a garbage. We talked more about the Book of Mormon and you could tell that he felt the Spirit so strongly! His whole countenance changed as we talked more, ate and set up another time to meet. He went from dark and gloomy to bright and happy in an hour! It was awesome!! We made plans to meet with him at a park on Saturday and we were so excited. He also asked us to call his mom (since he doesn't have a phone right now) and ask about how his family was doing. Apparently, he had figured out a way to get ahold of her on Thursday though and found out that his dad had actually passed away this year in April! On the way to the park on Saturday, we called his mom and asked about his family and such. Before he was homeless he was married and has two kids. He hasn't seen his kids in 4 years and used to be addicted to heroin and is a bit of an alcoholic. We went over to the park with some members to introduce him to and he never showed up. So, we apologized to the members and then we went out door knocking. The next morning we woke up to a voicemail from Matthew (the homeless investigator) and he said that he had gotten in some trouble and was sorry that he had missed our appointment and hopes to get in contact with us again soon and learn more. We called the number back and found out that it was a gas station phone that he had called off of. We are hoping that we run into him again sometime soon. 
Then, yesterday we had another miracle happen at church! We have 3 investigators whose mom and dad are members but the dad is less active. The girls really want their dad to baptize them but if they want that to happen, they're dad has to become active again in the church. This sunday as we were greeting people who walked into the chapel, the girls walked in... WITH THEIR DAD!!! It was amazing! He even stayed until sunday school before he went home. It was awesome!!  

The pictures of Bode dressing up for homecoming are hilarious! I hope he had a lot of fun doing that! It's super fun to hear about their football games. I'm sure Brek loves it. 

Sister Newby is awesome! It's super sad that she may or may not be getting transfered but we've really grown close together and are having the time of our lives out here in Michigan! My head and stomach are feeling loads better. I'm pretty sure that it was all being affected by the medication that I had to take. But now that I'm off of it, I feel tons better and even got my flu shot today! The weather is still bipolar. In all honestly you just have to be prepared for anything. The saying here is "If you don't like the weather now, wait 5 minutes. It'll change!" That's so weird that it's already snowing there! I'm honestly hoping that fall comes before winter! Also, the day that I will be going home is January 30, 2019.   President Brennan has a 30 day requirement that he has to have met. If all works out then I will be home before that and going back for winter semester. But, we shall see! In all honestly, that seems way too close! I keep thinking that I have way longer than that! I probably won't be getting transferred just because this is my first area and Sister Missionaries usually only have 3 areas that they go to. This is Sister Newby's second area and when or if she gets transferred the next area will most likely be her last since she goes home in February. 

We are taking pictures! We just forgot our cameras at the apartment today! Sorry! But transfer calls are on Friday and then P-Day is on Saturday so let people know that I will be emailing on Saturday instead of Monday

I love you all!
-Sister Summer Freeman


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