Okemos, MI November 13.2017

Funny thing happened this week to me...the momma.  Here's the story and then her response.

Momma down

I was in and out of the house all morning finally when I was taking a bowl of milk to the babies the stairs came out from underneath me. 

So the milk went flying all over the garbage can and I was laying on my back groaning. And guess who was the first responder?? Not Eric not Bode not even Brek. It was Cody😂😂of course with his nose in my face. He carefully licked all the spilt milk from my face and hands and body. I was ok but I asked Bode to help me get the steps back up and he’s like where are one of the legs?  Mmmm I don’t know. There were only 3 legs under the steps. Then here comes a sheepish Eric with the 4th leg in his hand. He had used it under the car to jack it up, he’s changing the tires from the gold to the iron. Yeah so he was going to remember to but the 4th leg back but forgot and so I had been balancing on a tripod the whole morning. No wonder I went down!!
Inline image 1as you can see no significant damage. Just a good laugh.
Inline image 2The face of the first responder!!  HAHAThat was a pretty funny story!! 

First responder will probably always be Cody! 

On Wednesday we picked up a new investigator! His name is Jose but he asks us to call him Chewy. So, we went in with the MSU 3 sisters who had previously picked him up as an investigator before realizing that they had knocked the apartments that were in our area! So, they referred him over to us. We had a sweet experience getting to know him and to teach him about the Restoration. We asked him if he would like to be baptized (he said yes), but when we said the date that we had been prompted to ask him to be baptized by, he said that it was too soon. It was kind of sad. After walking out of that lesson, Sister Rushton (who works in the mission office and was there for the lesson as well) said that it was way too soon to be asking him to be baptized by a specific date as well. But, we told her that we are supposed to ask all investigators to be baptized in the first lesson, by a specific date. So, we picked up a new investigator. We also got in contact with another referral from the Lansing 2 Sisters about a family that was in our area. Turns out, they're actually in the Elders area, but want to be taught by Sister Missionaries. So, we tried to set up a date which got cancelled because the family was sick. The next week, the mom (Angie) was sick. Last week we finally got another appointment set up for this Thursday. Hopefully all goes well and she doesn't cancel again. 

Coming home from appointments and such, we ended up seeing deer at our apartment complex! They were so cute!! So, we took a lot of pictures of them. 

So, we got to meet President Nelson on Saturday. It was awesome! His hands were so soft!! There was such a sweet Spirit there in that meeting with all the missionaries. He was so funny, too! "Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon in less than 3 months. Now, if you were able to read the Book of Mormon in less than three months you'd feel pretty... (pops his collar)." Another funny moment was when he completely roasted the entire mission for not having smart phones! "Now, everyone pull up the scriptures and turn to... Oh wait, you don't have iPhones." It was awesome to be there and to learn from him and his wife. The funny thing was, they talked about marriage a lot. The good thing is is that they mostly talked about how to turn someone down when they proposed. It was hilarious! But, they really stressed the importance of reading from the Book of Mormon daily as well. I learned so much!! Next time I will bring my notebook that I took notes on and send you some of the things that he and his wife said. It was an awesome opportunity to be able to learn from them and the Spirit as well. Sister Nelson also told a really neat experience of how the Spirit can help you find answers in a personal way. She told of a time where she was engaged to this guy at one time. She decided to get her endowments before they were supposed to get married and the more that she went to the temple after getting her endowments, the more she questioned if she was supposed to marry that guy. She didn't know what to do and so she was just praying daily for guidance. She wasn't getting an answer. So, one day at church, her bishop got up to the pulpit and said that since General Conference was coming up soon, everyone should have a question in mind to have answered at General Conference. So, as she was watching it, her question was obviously if she should get married to this guy or not. Every single talk was about marriage and how she should NOT marry this guy. So, she broke off the engagement as soon as she got her answer. Fast forward a couple years and she was supposed to be teaching a lesson in Relief Society about marriage. She went back to the talks that had given her the answer not to marry that guy, and found that none of the talks talked about marriage. Not one!! So, she knew instantly that although none of those talks actually mentioned marriage, the Spirit directed those messages to answer the question that she had at that time. It was awesome!! The Spirit is definitely amazing and so strong if you truly have the desire to learn, listen and act. She said she was lucky that she listened to the Spirit that day because later on, she found out that the guy she had broken the engagement with, was now divorcing his wife (they had 3 kids together) and choosing a gay lifestyle. 

Then, on Sunday, we had another awesome opportunity to hear from President and Sister Nelson in the Lansing Stake Conference. It was so awesome! Sister Carroll and I were sitting with members from our ward closer to the front so we weren't too far from him! He really is an awesome guy. When the choir was singing, he turned completely around until he was kneeling on his knees to be able to watch the choir. When he was talking to all of us, he said that the only group they had left out, was the primary kids. So, he asked all the primary kids to stand up and to sing "I am a Child of God" to him. It was so sweet and the Spirit that was there was amazing. He also talked about the missionaries, and then had all the missionaries that were present stand up. Sister Carroll and I stood along with all the other missionaries. The amazing part was that he looked directly at both of us when he said "We love our missionaries." It was such a sweet experience and one that I will never forget. After President Nelson sat down and we were singing the closing hymn, I looked up, and made eye contact with President Nelson! I knew right then and there that he had been called of God. It was an amazing experience to have him come to the mission.  After getting back to our apartment, we called the Mission nurses about Sister Carrolls foot which had been bothering her since Friday afternoon. We then went to an urgent care in Okemos, waited for only a few minutes before getting back into a room, then waited for an hour for the doctor to come in. When the Doctor did come in, she touched Sister Carrolls foot a couple times, sent her in to get X-Rays, didn't find anything wrong with it, but said that it was probably sprained, then had a nurse come in and put a boot on Sister Carrolls foot. The good news is, that since she isn't supposed to be on her foot unless she's getting food or going to the bathroom, we get the car for an extra week. Hopefully it heals. But, she also got a blessing from Elder Boyack after Stake Conference yesterday and in the blessing he said that it wasn't going to be a fast recovery. So, that's not too good to hear! 

Oh yeah, forgot to tell ya! It snowed on Thursday!!!
I love you all! 
-Sister Freeman 
(Also, how did Bode do that to his finger?) 
P.S. the dinosaur head is  really funny!!! 

Sis Freeman also said that it's a 7 week transfer so transfers won't happen until the first week in December.
Inline image 5
First snow
Inline image 3Inline image 1Deer in Sis Freeman's front yardInline image 4Sis Carroll hurting


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