Okemos, MI December 11.2017

Snow has been coming like crazy!! It's so much fun! We woke up the other day only to look out our window and see everything covered in a few inches of snow! We are supposed to get 3 more inches of snow today which is exciting. We have been door knocking like crazy this past week. Which is so much fun! I think it relieves a lot of stress for me to be outside and talking to people. We had a lesson last Monday which went AMAZING!! It was with the Goulding girls (whos parents were less active but are now fully active again) and they picked a date for baptism!! They and their younger brother who turned 8 this year are getting baptized on December 23! We are so excited for them. The girls were glowing when their mom told us! We can't wait. It's been such a miracle that their dad started coming back to church. He has really bad social anxiety but such a strong testimony of the gospel. We also picked up a new investigator while door knocking this past week. We knocked on his door and 2 seconds later we were sitting down on some chairs in his front yard talking to him about the gospel. He is muslim but doesn't practice it "hard core". I told him that we believe that there is a prophet on the earth today and he said that that made sense! He didn't think God would stop calling prophets! He even said a prayer for us in Arabic before we left to continue door knocking. We had another lesson with him a few days later and we talked about Jesus Christ. Muslims believe that Christ was a really holy man but that he was just a prophet. When he was supposed to be crucified, God made another man that looked exactly like him to be crucified in his place. Kind of weird but what we believe is kind of weird to him as well. So, we explained who Christ is and what he did on the earth. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked him to read Alma 7. He said he would! He is awesome!

Last night, we made brownies to #LighttheWorld. We had to let them cool down before we put them in the car so we put the pan of brownies in the snow. Then, we dropped some off to the Elders in our District. The ones in Lansing as well as the ones in Holt. We first went to the Elders in Lansing and talked to them for a few minutes before heading out. We went to the ones in Holt as well to drop off some brownies to them. We knocked and knocked. Called them. Everything. They weren't home. So, we put some tinfoil over them with a Light the World card and left. 2 minutes after leaving, they called us and said they had just gotten back to their apartment. We told them that we had just barely left and were sad we didn't get to see them. Well, they begged us to go back and talk with them for a few minutes so we turned around and went back. I'll send a picture that we took together soon. But after that picture was taken, my companion started a snowball fight. So, it was Sisters against Elders. I accidentally hit an Elder in the face with a snowball and to get back at me he threw one into my face. Well, it went straight into my eye which kind of hurt. But, I dished it out so... But these Elders are awesome! They help us so much and make sure that no one is being rude to us. They're the best.

We also went and did some service at the Hopkins house. They have 8 kids and a tiny house. They are all amazing. We helped them make some cookies and get ready for Christmas. It was a blast! I worked with Gabe to make some rollo cookies. He's so much fun! Their older sister is Autumn, their oldest brother is John John, then David, Gabe, Elijah, Nicholas, Rebekkah, and Jake. I love this family. They make me feel right at home!

​Oh yeah! I also did Sister Carrolls hair for church yesterday! It was an adventure but she said she liked it so that's good! She is from Gilbert, Arizona. She came out in February so she saw snow but wasn't allowed to drive a car until the snow had all melted.  She has cuboid syndrome. So when you push your foot back its supposed to go to a 90 degree angle. But hers only goes to 10 degrees before it starts turning to the side to try and reach that 90 degree angle which ends up squishing a bone called cuboid. So that is what was causing so much pain.  (I asked if she drives or Sis Carroll) She drives right now because I drove her around for 3-4 weeks when she had the boot on. So, she is driving the car until we lose it on Wednesday.
I love you all so much!! My headaches aren't as bad which is super good and my companion is helping me with my anxiety a lot!! I love her so much!!
-Sister Summer Freeman


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