Okemos, MI December 2.2017

Well, transfers happened and...

SISTER CARROLL AND I ARE STAYING TOGETHER!!!! We were both expecting that I would get transferred and Elder Peterson would stay. But, Elder Peterson is leaving and I am staying in Meridian!! So, I will be in this area for Christmas. I am so excited! We are going to be sending out some Christmas cards after today. Can you send me addresses from all the fams on the freeman side (dads bros and sisters)? Also from your side as well. We are loving the life here in Meridian! We are able to go out door knocking now and it is awesome. But, here's a pic of our favorite snack!! A large fry and some peppermint hot chocolate from McDonalds. Are we basic yet? Haha we also went out door knocking one night and it was so cold! So, we broke out the winter gear. We had to take pictures and one describes our relationship really well. Thank you for sending me this stuff!! It kept me really warm! Also, just so
you can see how short I am compared to my 6' companion, here's a pic of our legs next to each other. Yeah, door knocking is fun with her. The person at the door has to look up, and then look down. What an adventure for them. We also made cookies this week with a member and her daughter Calais (the s is silent in her name). They were
delicious! We also had to take our laundry to a members house on Monday so that it could get washed. But, we were without a car. Thankfully we had a handy wheelchair to help us out!!

It's so exciting that Shion Li came home from his mission! Does he have an accent? Also, look out for Sister Turley! She is Sister Carrolls cousin and Othello/Basin City are in her mission!

But yeah, other than that, we are expecting to do a lot of door knocking next week. We have had to drop quite a few investigators which was sad, but we are hoping to pick up a lot more this transfer! We dropped Cece and Antonio cause they wouldn't get back to us about times to meet and then when they invited us over for dinner on
Wednesday they just roasted the Church the entire time. The work here is great and I am so excited to skype you all on Christmas!! I love you all!!!

Sis Carroll's foot is getting better! It doesn't hurt as much but it still bothers her. Amanda is getting closer to baptism! We had a DTR with her and she really opened up. She is having trouble getting rid of her addiction to coffee so that is one thing that is holding her back. The Gouldings (family with 3 daughters) are doing great as well. Their mom is trying to choose a date in December for them to get baptized. Hopefully she will let us know soon!

Sister Freeman
PS Did you get my letter?


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