Okemos, MI December 23.2017

We had a baptism this morning where our investigators got baptized. They're all sisters (15,13, and 11 years old) whos parents have been less active for a little while. A few years ago, they started coming back to church with all of their kids but then only the mom and the kids kept coming to church. The girls really wanted to get baptized and one of their younger siblings turned 8 this year so the goal was to get them baptized by the end of the year. Sister carroll and I didn't know if that was going to happen because every time we kept bringing baptism up to the mom, she wouldn't answer our question specifically. So, at one lesson where we had decided that we were going to drop them since they weren't progressing. At the end of the lesson, the mom walked us to the door and then told us that they were thinking of a date for them to get baptized in December. We were shocked! Well, a few weeks ago they told us that they had decided on December 23 for the baptism to be held. The real question was if the dad was going to become active again in order to baptize them all (the girls and the son). Well, he only missed one week since the beginning of last transfer so I'd say things went great! He is fully active again and was able to baptize the girls and his son this morning. It was amazing! It was a small baptism since the dad has really bad social anxiety and wanted the bear minimum there. So, it was Sister Carroll and I, the District Leader and his companion, as well as the Elders also serving in the same ward as Sister Carroll and I, and the Bishop. Small group, but the Spirit was definitely there! It was amazing to be able to witness! The girls were glowing! We are so grateful for this Christmas miracle that has happened! It has completely changed my perspective on miracles so much and I am grateful that the Lord answers prayers. That is one thing that has been on my mind lately. The Lord DOES answer prayers. I have been able to see so many miracles on my mission already and can testify that the Lord answers prayers. I have never truly understood the love that Heavenly Father has for each of us until I got an email from my you telling me about the experience that Bode had had with prayer and the safety he received because of it. Not only was his prayer and the family prayer answered, but mine was as well. I had been praying so hard that everyone back home would start reading and studying from the Book of Mormon daily as well as praying daily. My prayer was answered! A few weeks later, my prayer was answered again when you told me that Bode was reading the Book of Mormon. I was so happy!!! I also started praying for your guys' safety a while ago and once again my prayer was answered. When I saw the pictures of the car first I was so scared. When I read the email saying that no one was hurt, I was again reminded that prayers are answered. When I found out that Lexi and Mason were dating, I prayed so hard every morning and night that he would treat her right. My prayer was answered again when I found out that they were getting engaged and are now engaged! I have so much comfort in knowing that Lexi is happy because not only does she love Mason so much, but that she turned to the Lord to know if their relationship was the right thing. She showed me that she loves the Lord just as much as she loves Mason. I am so grateful for the amazing Zone Conference that we were able to have yesterday, and for the opportunity that we had to be able to learn from the Spirit. The Spirit was so strong and repeatedly testified to me that this gospel is true and that prayers really are answered. Heavenly Father answered a young boys prayer and because of that, this church was restored to the earth. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith and for the faith that he had to ask God. He not only showed the faith that he had for God, but also the love and respect that he has for him as well. I am so grateful that I am able to go out each and every day to talk to people more about this gospel. It is true and this is the Lords church. If you don't believe me, read in 3 Nephi 27. It says that the Church should be called after His name because this is HIS church. He leads and guides this church today. If you have questions, don't hesitate to turn to our Heavenly Father. He will answer your prayer and help you to know the truth. 

I love you!!
Sister Freeman ❤💙

2. The baptism!!! Milvia, Cora, Aria, and Archer Goulding (we only taught the girls though)
1. Sister Crandell and I at Zone Conference ❤
3. Sister Crandell and Elder Drake 
5. A picture with Sister Peterson and Sister Fletcher since they are going home the end of December


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