Okemos, MI January 13.2018

SIDE NOTE: I received an email from a lady that Sis Freeman door knocked.  The email to follow

Subject: I met Sister Freeman

I know that I am a stranger dropping you a note but wanted to let you know that I met Sister Freeman this week and wanted to let her mom know how she seems to be doing.  I follow someone on social media who has a son on his LDS mission and she said something about if you meet them offer to send their mom a note, so I remember this when Sister Freeman came to my door.  I apologize that I didn't think to take a picture for you.

She seemed to be doing well and it was nice to meet her.  Michigan winters are tough but she was happy, friendly, and had a sweet attitude even in the midst of our gloomy winter.

I wanted to let you, as her mother, know that I appreciate what she is doing and what you as a mother are doing by letting her go on her mission.  While our faiths are different in many ways, I respect the commitment that she has to give so much to share her faith with others.

I became a mother for this first time at 44 and am blessed to have my one year old son.  Being away from him for hours seems to be too much for me at this point so I can't imagine being away from him for over a year.  I will pray for her and for you during her mission.



SIs Freeman's letter this week
Yeah she was so sweet to send an email to you! She told us at the door that she wasn't interested but that she would be happy to send an email to our moms. So, thats what she did! So nice! Dang, is Bodes foot doing okay? I am so happy that Bode enjoys wrestling so much. I am also sending out some packages this week. One box is going to Lexi and Mason in Idaho, one is stuff that I would like put in safe keeping cause I don't want to carry it around for a year and a half, and the other one has yours and Breks gifts in it. Did Dad and Bode get my letters for them?
I am getting transferred to Owasso. Its still in the Lansing Zone but I am greenie busting someone who just finished getting trained. Her name is Sis King.  I've heard a lot of good things about Owasso so I'm kinda excited to go there. I'm kinda nervous though but hopefully I can have comfort knowing that this is where the Lord needs me to be. I got pictures with the Elders this morning cause they called us last night and said that they needed at least one more picture with me before I got transferred. Weirdos. Its gotten really cold here. It was 50 degrees on Thursday which was super nice but it rained all day long! We even door knocked that night in the pouring rain! People thought we were crazy! Then yesterday, it snowed! Michigan is so weird! I am going to be saying bye to everyone tonight and tomorrow after church. I love this area so its super sad that I'm leaving but I'm excited at the same time.
That's so sad that the Merrills are going through that! Their faith will definitely be tested but if they trust in God then they will have their testimony strengthened. I will definitely be praying for him and his family!
I am so happy that you are building the house! Hopefully it all goes according to plan! That must be super exciting!!
I love you all!
Love, Sister Freeman 

Owosso is to the Northeast of Lansing.


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