Okemos, MI January 2.2018

My week has been cold cold cold. I've also gotten a cold. We had to save miles so we walked places in order to do that. I dressed as warm as possible. With A LOT of layers. It was insane how cold its gotten in the past few days/week! Its gotten so cold that my hands are so dry now!! I can't stand it! No matter how much lotion I put on, nothing seems to work!

 We had interviews with President yesterday and he told me that in 2 weeks I will be getting transferred. I don't know where to yet though. He asked me if I had a specific place in mind but since all I know is this area, I just said two zones that I've been hearing about a lot recently. So, we will see in 2 weeks where I will be going for sure!! Skyping was so much fun!! It was great to be able to see you all and talk to you guys! 

Sister Carroll and I loved the pajamas that we got, by the way! We took a lot of awkward pictures to prove it, too!! This week has been a lot of fun and we are working super hard to find more people to teach. We have done lots of door knocking which is probably one of my favorite things to do every day!! I absolutely LOVE door knocking! We get so many different reactions every time! This week while door knocking, we knocked on this mans house. When he answered the door he yelled out,"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Well, I was so shocked (and maybe a little bit scared) that I couldn't say anything. Sister Carroll spoke up and said," We are just the missonaries." Well, the man started laughing and told us that he thought we were his daughters friends and that he was sorry for scaring us. He kindly told us that he and his family weren't interested and we walked away hearing him laughing as he shut the door. Sister Carroll and I busted up laughing as soon as we got off of his property. That was the best thing that has ever happened while door knocking! 

Not much else to say except that I am sick right now and that I am hoping to get better soon. But, due to the weather, it might be a while. 

The girls are doing great! They are so happy!! 

For New Years we had to be in our apartment at 6 so Sister Carroll and I just played board games and did a 40 minute work out that kicked our booties! New Years day we had District Lunch with the Elders, District Meeting with the Elders and one of the Zone Leaders, then interviews. We had to wait to get interviewed for a long time though! We were supposed to have interviews at 3 but had interviews at 6 instead!

I love you all!!

-Sister Freeman 

1. the snow from Dec. 25, 2017
2. Me, in the snow (Dec. 25)
3. Also me in the snow (Dec. 25)


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