Owosso, MI February 5.2018

I am doing great! This week has been a little stressful for Sister King and I but we are feeling loads better today. Jolee is doing good. She has 29 hours of community service left to do so she is a little bit stressed. But she isn't wanting to change her baptismal date. So, she's gonna keep working hard! I haven't gotten the package yet but it should be coming very soon. That is an amazing story to hear about Ryker. He is amazing. I love him so much.

This week has been cold and full of miracles! On Wednesday, we got a text from a former investigator and she told us to come over. So, we went over and she told us that she was pregnant and her boyfriend was so excited about that. We ended up teaching her about temples and family history work. She and her boyfriend are wanting to get married so that she can get baptized. So exciting! We also were told by a member that we had given a Book of Mormon to her nephew. She was thanking us so much! He doesn't understand it though so he wants us to tell him more about it but he is super shy and doesn't want us to come over to his house yet. So, we will see what happens with that. But, this week has been great. Sister King and I volunteer at a food bank for another Church here in Owosso and it is super fun to be able to help those that are in need. We also volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. Last Saturday when we went over there we organized light switch covers and outlet covers. We also were asked to put some door knobs back together. Yeah, that was interesting. This past Saturday, we tested and organized lightbulbs and organized some shelves. I love doing service! It is amazing! Yesterday, Church got cancelled due to bad road conditions because of how much snow was coming down. So, we went out door knocking! Everyone was so surprised to see us at their door, covered in snow, and sharing the gospel with them! A few people invited us in to warm up for a little bit. They weren't interested, but hey! We still got to warm up and share the restored gospel with them! We also visited some members yesterday as well. We saw Bishop and Sister Pilon, Sister Smith (who reminds me of Grandma Freeman and Grandma Nielson in one person. She also said that she would be my mission grandma! Yeah!!), we went back and had dinner at the apartment, then went back out and shovelled a less actives drive way, then shared a message with her, before going to another members home and sharing a message with them. I'll be honest, I kinda like shovelling snow! It was actually pretty fun!!
I love you all! Remember to read the Book of Mormon DAILY and to pray DAILY as well!
Love, Sister Summer Freeman 

Sis Freeman referred to Ryker's story so I included it here....So......Ryker wrestled a Toppenish guy and the guy was beating him by 4 or 5 points but it was really back and forth.  It was a lot closer than the score was making it look. 

The last 11 seconds, Ryker turned the guy over (2 points) and got 5 near fall points (3+2). Then at the very last second, the ref slapped the mat for a pin and declared Ryker the winner.  Toppenish was TICKED because the clock guy messed up on starting the clock by about two seconds (he didn't even realize he made a mistake!).

However, the ref was going to let the pin stand.  I offered video proof 🤤 that the clock really had stopped for a couple of seconds, but the refs are not supposed to watch videos (which he did).  So it ended up in this huge debate for about 15 minutes, and the ref finally called Toppenish the winner--because of the video that I had.  He told us later that he was going to call Ryker the winner because in his mind, he'd called the pin but took a couple of seconds getting around to the other side of the wrestlers to make sure it really was a pin.  The video shows the kid really was pinned the whole time and so Ryker really should have won it by a second, but the ref decided for Toppenish anyway because of the clock issue, which.....was really the wrong call, but barely.

Anyway, Ryker had one more match which could qualify him to go on to regionals and he won that match 11-5(?). Whew!!!!  

It was all good.  Some of the refs and other people who know what happened have a lot of respect for Ryker now because they were really impressed with how he handled everything.  While the Toppenish kid was throwing a fit (along with his coaches), Ryker gave his opponent a hug and told him congratulations, it was a really good match. 


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