Owosso, MI March 19. 2018

Haha oh Bode. What the charmer. (referring to the fact that he changed 9 times-according to him-to get ready for the stake dance) He has slimmed up a lot, hasn't he? He's looking good! Man I miss that kid. Same with Brek. How are they? Sis. Grant is great. She is exactly the person I needed right now. I've been stressing a lot about feeling inadequate. I just don't know what to do! I don't know how to shake this feeling. It is so hard! haha I do love animals! Their dogs are just so cute too! Its hard to stay away from them! 

Our investigators are doing great! We have two people on date for baptism, Jay (the 9 year old) and David. They are both amazing and so excited to get baptized! Our other investigators are keeping their commitments but are struggling a bit with some personal things that are holding them back from getting baptized as of right now. But, they are amazing people. The weather here is starting to warm up! Its finally in the 40's for this week! Sis. Grant is amazing. We get along great so that is always a blessing. We are just trying to work really hard on getting the ward to trust missionaries more. Hopefully all goes well with that. I loved Choir so much. Tell bode to stick with it cause he will love it so much!

Cool experience that I want to tell you!!

So, Tuesday night, I went to bed not sure if we turned the alarm on for 6:30 or not. I was sure I did. I prayed for an answer to know if I should check the phone or not. I got an answer that everything would be just fine. So, I prayed again asking that if the alarm didn't go off, I would still be able to wake up on time. I went to sleep and the next morning, one minute before the alarm went off, I woke up to someones voice telling me that the alarm was going to go off. I looked over at Sister Grant to see if she had said anything but she was still sound asleep. Then I got the impression that it was someone from the other side of the veil. It was a girls voice. Mom, I believe it was Shawnee. It was an amazing experience. One that I will never forget. Angels are real. They are family. They watch over us each and every day. Even for small and simple things, they are there. 

I am so excited to be able to watch General conference! I can't wait to hear from Russell M. Nelson either! He is amazing! If you ever get the chance to meet him, you will know what I am talking about. Missionaries have the Spirit, but wow.... When he first walked into the gym where our mission was gonna get a picture with him. It fell completely silent. The Spirit just radiates off of him and engulfs any room that he walks into. Its amazing. He is an amazing man. Can you believe that he is 93? he sure doesn't look like it! 

Sis. Grant and I didn't take pictures of ourselves, but we got shown around an episcopal church on Tuesday so we have lots of pictures of the church that I can send you! 
I love you all! I hope that you are all doing well and reading your scriptures everyday.  You are always in my prayers.
-Sister Summer Freeman 

I believe this is the church that they visited.



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