Owosso, MI March 5.2018

The days are going by SO fast its insane! I completely agree with Brek. Also, I'm still waiting on that letter from him and Bode. But anyway, we have seen a couple miracles this past week. We picked up 2 new investigators! We also picked up a few potential investigators this week which was pretty cool. We were going after the Less Actives in the Owosso area, and the last house we stopped at for the night answered the door and told us he wanted to come back to Church. Then, his brother steps out and joins in on the conversation. Then, Keith (the Less Active), says that he and his brother have been talking about the gospel a lot recently and his brother wants to get baptized! So, we are meeting with the both of them tomorrow. We also went doorknocking Monday night. We knocked on this one house and this lady yells out,"who is it?". We yell back,"the missionaries!". To which she yells back,"come in through the back door!". Well, we went in through the back door and met this woman. Her name is Hilda. She lives alone, is confined to her home, and can't walk. We talked with her for a while before she gave us her phone number and told us to come by anytime after 4 on any day. So, a few days later we met with Hilda. We taught the First Vision and talked about the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was so strong! We asked her what she felt after we taught her and she said that its all true. Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon could only have been translated by the power of God. She accepted it all! It was an amazing experience that has helped to strengthen my testimony so much! We have had a lot of fun this week getting to know each other and reading the Ricciardi Letter together. We are both going to work on being more bold when we share the gospel. When we have a (good) thought enter into our minds, we will say it. We are going to try and do better to become better missionaries all the time. I appreciate all of your prayers. I feel them everyday as I go out to work and share the gospel with people. 

I am so excited for Lexi!! I just want to give her a big hug! She is going to love the temple. It is an amazing place to be and she will be so blessed as she continues to live worthily to go to the temple. That is so exciting for Justin and Owen! They are going to be great missionaries! It would be cool if one of them ended up in this mission! 

Sister Grant is amazing! She is so positive and has a lot of energy which makes it easier to get going and to get even more excited about sharing the gospel everyday. She is such a sweetheart. She is so pretty too!! 

My headaches are nonexistent as of right now which is good. Teaching is going really good. We have 5 investigators that we are teaching right now. Their names are Jessie, Jayleigh, Hilda, Rachel, and Kasy. Rachel is on date for April 7 

I just wanna let you know how grateful I am for you. I remember very clearly you showing Lexi and I a picture of you baptizing someone in New Zealand. I wanted to be able to help people get baptized as well. I wanted to be a missionary like you one day. Everyday on my mission, that image of the picture comes to mind and it gives me more motivation to share the gospel. I felt the Spirit when you showed me that picture. I knew then that I was going to be a missionary one day. Either wearing the nametag or not. I would be like you. 

I'm glad that you were able to teach the Plan of Salvation to people at the prison. Another way I like to introduce it to investigators is as 'The Plan of Happiness' because thats what God wants for us. Is to be happy. Mom is a really good teacher. So are you. Don't doubt yourself dad. I have learned so many lessons from you that have been a huge help to me on my mission. The biggest lesson I learned from you is how to listen. Which is a really good thing haha cause if I didn't know how to listen to my investigators or the Spirit, there would be no reason for me to be on a mission right now. But, thanks to you, I know how to listen. I was able to read the Ricciardi letter. Sister Grant and I actually read it together and we both committed each other to talk to every person that we saw, to act on any good thought that we got, and to be bold. 
I love you a lot dad! Thanks for your amazing example to me!!

I love you all!!
-Sister Summer Freeman 

1. Sister Grant and I (and yes, I am totally wearing her dress in this picture cause we are the same size)


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