Bay City, MI June 4.2018

Wow sounds like you had a great birthday!! Did you get the video that one of our members here sent to you over Facebook? Her name is Sarita Bills. She's a sweetheart. We didn't take much pictures this week so sorry about that! We had trade offs on Tuesday so we were in Mt. Pleasant for a day. It was pretty fun. I was with Sister O'Toole. She's Awesome! We went doorknocking together. It was fun. I bought two new dresses last Monday, and I have been getting the clothes you are sending. I'm in need of dresses more than anything though  
This week has been super fun though! We were able to put two investigators on baptismal date so in total we now have 4 people on date to be baptized. We plan to put someone else on date soon as well but he is struggling with the Word of Wisdom. Pray for Bob!! We have been trying to stay away from Wi-Fi this week so thar we don't get distracted by Facebook haha. It is such a temptation! We are doing good with it now though!

This week I have learned a lot about being honest with my companion. I wasn't lying to her or anything. Just being honest on what I think so that it doesn't create a wall between us or anything. It is so good to be honest! I've learned that you don't say what you are thinking when you are mad, but first you cool off, get some air, and then talk about it. Nothing ever comes out of a fight. I love Sister Olsen so much! She is a blessing and a dear friend and companion!

I love you all and hope that you have a great week!! 
P.S. mom, that story about listening to the Holy Ghost is awesome. You were able to bless other people's lives as they had the opportunity to serve you and you also received blessings for being humble enough to let others help you.
Love, Sister Summer Freeman 
1. Sis. Olsen being a model
2. Sis. O'Toole and I
3. Sis. Olsens nice sunburn 
4. The signs her in Michigan are great. We were stopped right by this sign in traffic one day. It was pretty funny to us! 🤣
5. Awkward faces with Meagan!!
6. First corn on the cob of the summer 


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