Facebook Post, July 1, 2018

Yesterday, our investigator Bob was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Tofay, he received the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It was a truly amazing experience to be able to see such a great man find the Church that fits him. Baptism and confirmation by proper priesthood authority is amazing. The baptism is for eternity. The holy ghost can be with us everyday as long as we let it.
Bob- Sister Olsen and I are so grateful for this opportunity that we had to knock on your door and be able to be with you through this journey. You have truly changed our lives and for that we are so grateful. We hope that you continue to learn and grow and to increase your faith in God. You will bless so many people's lives. The spirit radiates through you and you will be the means of bringing many people to Christ.


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