Okemos, MI Aug. 14, 2017

I did get the packages from Amazon! Thanks for sending them to me!! I have to send some things back though because they're either too tight (like the pants) or too short. So that kinda stinks. They say that it's better to send things to the mission office first so that they don't get lost in the mail. But I've gotten both packages. The book of pictures I did get at the MTC I just forgot to email you about it. But thanks so much because it really did help to have pictures with me all the time. I have not been able to write Haylee because I don't even have an email or address to send her anything. We do have a dishwasher but we don't have a washer or dryer so we have to go to a members house and wash our clothes there. 

Last night was a pretty interesting night by far! We were out door knocking and we met a man and his family. The man knew a lot about the church but it wasn't good things that he knew. He was mentored by a woman who is a descendant of Brigham Young and she told him that the church was not true and that the sanity of Joseph Smith is very questionable. It was really sad to hear that but I could still feel God's love for him. Afterwards we went back to our car and started driving away before we were flagged down by some people. They said that we had a dent in the back of our car. We got out and sure enough we did. We went and parked back where we were before and asked some neighbors if they had seen or heard anything but all of them had just gotten home. We called Elder Rushton who is in charge of all the vehicles and then we had to call the cops to let them know that it was a hit and run since they hadn't left any number for us to call them at. So that was an interesting way to end the night!

Yesterday at church we actually had a potential investigator show up to church! She was getting dropped off by her son-in-law and grandson. She didn't speak that much english so it was hard for us to communicate with her at times. But, we have her daughters number so we texted her and asked if there was some time that we could stop by and talk to all of them. She said yes and we are going to see them on Saturday! It's pretty exciting! 

We are actually having a district P-day today so it's pretty fun to be with our district! Elder Call who's our district leader is from Kennewick! His companion is Elder Petersen who was in my district at the MTC. Then the other Elders are Elder Boyack and Elder Williamson. They're all super fun. We actually went to the zoo right before we came to the library to email. Afterwards we're gonna go and get some food and then go bowling. Should be a super fun day! I'll try and send some pictures really soon!!

Love you!
-Sis. Freeman


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