A little more info...
When you're being trained you can't drive for 12 weeks haha so no one from our district out here in Michigan can drive yet! But anyways, another funny story to tell you about. My trainer screamed on a doorstep on Tuesday! It was hilarious!
So, we were walking up to this house and I honestly did not have a good feeling about this house. I even told my companion! But, she said we would go and knock it anyways. We go and knock on the door and this door is kind of weird, too. It has windows going down the middle of it. So, after knocking my companion and I start talking and then she looks back to the door and just screams! The old lady who lives there is literally staring out one of the windows on the door just staring at us! She had a huge smile and huge eyes so she even looked scary. She just told us that she wasn't interested (also in a creepy voice) and then slowly started to back away from the door still smiling at us. My companion told me that that was all part of the training of what not to do on a doorstep. 

I do see Elder Peterson a lot haha he's still as weird as ever! He literally holds his companions hand sometimes and it's so weird. He talks to cats whenever we're at dinner appointments and is literally still the worst mouth breather ever. It's actually really fun to have him around though.
I was actually able to see Sister Pierce, Elder Cloward, Elder Kunz and Elder Rowley on Friday because we had a multi-zone conference. So that was super fun!
My companion is amazing haha she's literally exactly who I needed out here! I do love the area although the roads in Michigan suck! There are potholes everywhere!! I am in Meridian/Okemos which is right next to Lansing. We actually have trade offs and I'll be on campus tomorrow! Haha the weather is bipolar here! It's actually raining today but yesterday it was super nice!
Well, since today is our P-Day let me update you two on what's been going on! My companion and I had to walk for a few days since our car was getting fixed. We dropped it off Tuesday, walked almost everywhere Wednesday, walked in the rain Thursday morning and got it back that afternoon. It was definitely an adventure having to walk around everywhere.
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