Another Miracle-benefits of a missionary???

We had an interesting experience yesterday.  Bode was driving the van to catch his ride and he was going to fast on the gravel and ended up driving off the road into the neighbor's stack yard.  The result was the van ended up with a ruined back tire that's it.  Eric came along behind him a few minutes later and Bode was walking to Smith's to ask for help...he forgot his cell phone.  After further examination of the tracks, the result of a flat tire and the van ending up on all four wheels without rolling was miraculous.  As we talked about it last night there were several things discussed...
1.  What happened?  How it happened? -excess speed, slow down!! What was done right, what was done wrong.  He rode it out and didn't try to NOT run off the road.
2.  Why dad wasn't mad?  Bode knew Eric was going to kill him.  But Eric was calm and kind and glad Bode wasn't hurt.  An expensive way to learn a lesson but an effective one.
3.  Why Bode was protected?  Eric and I discussed it and I said it was because we had family prayer that morning and we have a missionary.  When I asked Bode he said "because I said my personal prayers this morning."

And there it was.  The reason for the whole experience, to learn to rely on the Lord.  To gain a testimony of the power of prayer.  Something that Bode needed to learn.  That even though he's heard it all his life and it has been a part of his whole life, prayer is very personal and powerful and healing and shows that our Heavenly Father loves us deeply.

I know that sometimes things don't work out that way.  Sometimes, we don't know what is better than our Heavenly Father knows and sometimes our desires aren't what will be granted but as Bode's parents and I imagine his sisters and grandparents have been praying for him, to become stronger, to gain a testimony, it happened on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere and with the kindness of a sweet Father who knows how to touch each of our souls.


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