Okemos, MI Sept. 18. 2017

The weather here is bipolar! Yesterday afternoon it was 92 degrees!! By 5 in the evening, storm clouds were gathering. All of a sudden a downpour happened! We got in the car, drove for about 2 to 3 minutes, and then the rain stopped and it was like it hadn't even happened. It was definitely interesting. Dude, I have no idea. The only thing that people wear here are shirts to support MSU so that's about all I know for dress up ideas! 
Reading your scriptures is a huge part of making your day better. We had a 70 come and talk to us at Stake Conference this weekend and he said that if we take the time first to read and to feel peace and happiness in your life, pretty soon you will be reading to know how to become better. It's definitely something that I've taken to heart. He said to buy a new Book of Mormon each time you want to learn more about a specific principle of the gospel. I'm so excited for you and I know that through scripture study and daily prayer, everything won't be taken from you, but the load you carry will seem lighter because you won't be carrying it alone.

I love you so much!! Keep getting that education! Smart girls are always hot ;) 

That is so awesome!! Brek is doing so good at football! I can't believe Jarrod Tuttle got baptized! That is so exciting to hear!!! It's awesome that Joey Salisbury got to baptize him! How long was he taking the missionary discussions? How's everything going for the family? It was definitely a long week not being able to hear from you guys either. I hope to get some letters from you all soon ;) (hint hint) Is Bode enjoying high school? Is Brek loving football? How's dad doing?

Also, I got my hair cut today. It's now to my collarbone. My hair was always covering my name tag which was a little annoying so now that's its shorter, it won't do that anymore. This week has been awesome! We had a 70 come down for Stake Conference. It was awesome. He talked a lot about daily scripture study and prayer as well as sharing an awesome story of before when he was living in Connecticut and was able to drive President Gordon B. Hinckley around to different sites so that they could build a new temple there! It was super funny! I have definitely been learning a lot since I've been out here. Daily scripture study and daily prayers are a must. 
"What is your intent when you kneel down to pray, or when you open the scriptures?" That question has been on my mind a lot lately. I definitely love learning how to become a better missionary and I think that hearing that question was exactly what I needed. I have definitely been finding a lot of answers to my prayers lately. I found a quote saying something like "Don't fear criticism. If you're serving the Lord, then you should expect to be criticised. Remember that nobody ever kicks a dead dog." I definitely needed that! Being a missionary is tough but so worth it. I love going out each and every day and sharing the gospel that I love. 

I love you all!
-Sister Freeman


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