Okemos Sept. 5, 2017-a day later because of Labor Day

I am doing great! This week has been super fun! During the week we visited/ had dinner with a less active in the ward. She is so cool! She has had a hard life but she is always talking about Christ so you can tell that she has a lot of faith even through all of her trials. On Saturday night us and the Elders were able to judge the pie and chili cook off. The chili wasn't too hot so I was doing fine. All the pies were good, too! Then all of a sudden Brother Taylor decides to bring out some of the hottest chili I have ever had in my life and enter it into the contest. So of course I had to eat it. The Elders ate it first and said that it was really hot! I almost didn't eat it! Finally I got over being such a baby and ate it. Elder Call said that as soon as it was in my mouth my face just dropped! It was so hot that I started to cry and get a runny nose and I started sweating a little too! Of course after that little show almost half of the ward knew about it by the end of the night. That's one way to make an impression I guess. Also, I had a headache problem that continuously went on for two weeks. Whoops. It literally wouldn't go away. I would go to sleep with my head throbbing and I would wake up with my head throbbing as well. It sucked. So after church on Sunday we ended up going to a members home to see if her husband could help figure out why I was having this headache for so long. Turns out I have tension headaches from bad posture, the way I sleep and from stress. So yesterday I had to pick up a prescription that was prescribed for me to help my muscles relax at night and help me sleep better as well. I had to get a new pillow for myself too since the one that was provided was making my neck worse. I also found out that my left leg is longer than my right leg which is why I have such bad balance (all the sprained ankles make sense now). It has been a super good week! Last Tuesday we had trade offs and I was with Sister Fletcher who is serving on MSU campus. Sadly we weren't able to go around on campus because we had to go and visit people somewhere else in Lansing. It was a super good time! She is a lot of fun! I'd send a picture of me and her but she is the one that has the picture on her camera. Sister Newby also got bit by a spider this week so that was fun for us to learn about. We have lots of spiders in our apartment. We also saw a snake on the sidewalk as we were walking on it to get into our apartment. Sister Newby said she was so scared that she gagged a little in her mouth when she saw it! She's a fun one to have around! 

I love you!
Sister Freeman

(Did Dad and Brek get my letters?)

Also, can you order a CD for me? It's by the Nashville Tribute...? I don't know what it's called though but it has a lot of songs on the CD about missionary work and it's super cool.

The two dresses you sent me also aren't long enough. The blue skirt you sent also doesn't cover enough because the slip underneath is already iffy when I stand but when I sit down it goes to mid-thigh so I can't wear it.  I can wear the other skirt though! Thanks for the popcorn, too! We have used two bags already. One just to eat and enjoy and the other to make caramel popcorn. Sister Newby makes such good caramel popcorn

Yesterday was super fun! I took a nap and got woken up by Sister Newby jumping on me. Turns out she had just gotten off the phone with a member and he had caught a live possum and invited us over to see it. She was so excited that she practically dragged me out of bed so that we could go and see it! It literally looks like a giant rat. It was so freaking ugly. After that we went to Meijer and bough a new pillow for me, new pants and my prescription. Afterwards we went to Aldi and got some grocceries, then went over to Walmart and got some conditioner and mascara since we forgot to get some from Meijer. We dropped off our laundry at a members house and then went to a tea-less tea party. It's not exactly my forte as well as sister Newby's since we both grew up in the country and would rather be outside doing something more physical but it was still a good time. The sisters in the Lansing zone got to go and hang out with Sister Brennan for two hours while the Elders were out eating lunch with President Brennan. After that we went over to the Andersens home (members in the ward) and they had invited us, the Elders and a new family who had just moved into the ward (Meadows family) over for games and dinner. It was super good! At 6 we had a lesson with a lady named Barbara. She honestly has so much faith. The only problem is is that she uses this book that goes along with the philosophies of man. Definitely not good. We met with her one time before and introduced the Book of Mormon. We came back and found out she was already in 2 Nephi! It was awesome!! She also said that she would be open to Baptism which was another really cool thing! We are going to be meeting with her again on Thursday and talking about the Restoration. I really hope that she accepts the gospel. You can tell that she has been searching her whole life for the truth. 

I love you! 
-Sister Freeman

(Keep your eye out for the missionaries in Rexburg! His name is Elder Davidsen. He's short and his companion is tall. If anything I would suggest reading from the Preach my Gospel. You always get called to be a teacher so I think that that would really help you. It has definitely helped me so much out here. I would also suggest definitely finding a talk called "The missionary next door". You will probably have to look on youtube for it though. 
Become a member missionary!! It helps so much when members in the ward give referrals or invite nonmembers to come to church. Without the members the missionaries are doing all the work alone and it's super hard.) ​


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