Okemos, MI Oct. 14.2017

Yes, I did get the package! I haven't gotten Brek's letter yet, but I will keep a look out for it! Also, the Connell shirt is most likely a kids shirt. I pulled it out and it was really small! I love it, but I'm definitely gonna have to stretch it out! Haha the weather is honestly all over the place right now! It's mostly been raining though this past week. We got our transfer calls on Friday! Well, I did anyways. Sister Newby got hers on Thursday night because President called her and asked if she would be a Sister Training Leader in Grand Rapids! She's gonna do awesome! I will miss her a lot but I am getting another awesome companion, Sister Carol! Sister Carol pretty much looks like Sister Newby (kinda but not really) but is much taller! Elder Call who WAS our District Leader got called Thursday night as well to be a Zone Leader in Midland! Super cool! We all knew that he was gonna be made a Zone Leader but he didn't want to be cause then he would have to be on a campus. Which he is, but he doesn't want to be. Haha I definitely miss Brek as well and I loved the picture of him and the Elders that are serving in Basin City! That picture was super cute! If you have them over for dinner ask how far their boundaries go. Because last I knew, they had Basin City as well as Mesa. Does first ward have the Sisters then? 

I haven't been able to write Sister Jenks yet but I am definitely going to! Also, I don't know if I told you this or not but this was a huge miracle and answer to my prayers. So, since Fast Sunday was last week, I prayed and fasted for one of our investigators named Amanda. She has been an investigator for almost a year now. She is really scared about getting baptized just because she doesn't want to disappoint her family by getting baptized into a different church, and she also doesn't think that she has repented enough. So, the week before fast Sunday, we shared the things that we felt prompted to share and they were all thoughts about baptism. Amanda said that she kinda felt pressured at that point and so we decided that the next week when we had another lesson with her we wouldn't bring up baptism again. Well, we went over there ready to talk about the Atonement and instead, she asked questions all about baptism the whole lesson!! She is getting so much closer to taking that step of faith and getting baptized. You can see it on her face and tell by the way that she speaks! It is amazing!! The Lord really does answer prayers!

This week and last week have also been kind of a struggle. After going to Urgent Care a few weeks ago and taking the medication that was prescribed, I started to feel worse. The headaches are definitely not from dehydration! I have been getting sharp, shooting pain in my head as well as a constant headache. I don't think it's tension headaches because these headaches are in a different place than last time. My stomach has also been feeling worse as well. Sharp, shooting pains (the same as my head) and the constant feeling of needing to throw up. Except this time, I actually feel everything coming back up, but it never actually comes out. So that's fun. I've also been really, really tired. No matter what, I am just constantly tired. I am getting enough sleep but my whole body just feels weighed down by something. I made a doctors appointment with someone in Okemos to help me try and figure out what's going on since even the nurses that we call don't know what is going on. I meet with the doctor in two weeks on October 28 at 4:30pm. Hopefully all goes well with that! I have definitely been learning more about the Atonement through this whole thing and I constantly feel as if all is going to be alright because I am not the only one who is/has gone through this. Jesus Christ has felt my pain and because of that, I have been able to find more strength to keep going out each and everyday to share the gospel! I love the Atonement. The Atonement was what started to build my testimony and help me throughout my life. I know that it's real and because of that I know that Jesus Christ truly did take upon himself all of our pains, sins, sicknesses and grief. He did all of that because he loves us. And because I know that Jesus Christ did that, I know that Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and that through the power of God, he truly did restore the gospel to the earth and he DID translate the Book of Mormon. I have no doubt about it. This is the true Church. This is Christ's church here upon the earth. How blessed are we? We have the privilege to read the Book of Mormon daily, we have the companionship of the Holy Ghost with us, and we know the truth because we are able to feel Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love as we continually pray and read the Book of Mormon. If you aren't reading and praying daily, I want to commit you to do so. Start right now. Don't put it off. I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ that you will never regret reading the Book of Mormon every single day of your lives. Start now.

I love you all!
-Sister Freeman

P.S. the two darker pics you have to look at in the dark or else you won't really be able to see anything. The pic where our faces are all red is because we did stress relieving face masks. It was hot when you started putting it on your face! It was the weirdest thing! 

Everyone here in Michigan are always saying that they already have a church or that they're too busy to meet with us. So, that's the only bad part. The only times that we get invited into people's homes are when they're Muslim or Hindu. This one hindu guy scared the crap out of us though! He sounded crazy when he told us the reason why God made him have a bad right knee. He said that when he was younger he used to catch mosquitos and rip off all of their legs and then throw them back into the air and watch them fly. Thankfully, we left after that story. There have been other people (like this week) who have just invited us in and we ended up having a sit down lesson with them right then and afterwards picking them up as investigators. It was so cool! We were pretty psyched! 😋

We just got our transfer calls and Sister Newby is getting transferred to Grand Rapids to be an STL up there! She's gonna do awesome! Elder Petersen and I are going to be taking over our areas over here which is kinda scary haha but I know that my new companion is already freaking awesome so I'm pretty excited! Elder Petersen's companion is becoming Zone Leader over Sister Crandells area so that's pretty cool!

It's a P-Day but this morning there was a baptism at the Stake Center for one of the Zone Leaders investigators that we went to. It was really exciting. Then, we went to a store that sells a lot of Spartan stuff and bought something there. I bought one of the cheapest hoodies there. I was gonna buy some stuff to send to Lexi so that she could be a Spartan fan for Halloween but I picked up one pair of socks, and they were $15! I put those down right away! There are also things that they sell at Walmart as well and another Spartan shop that is way cheaper that I could also get some things from as well. But, if Bode or Brek want to be a Spartan fan for Halloween or even just want something with a Spartan on it, I can try and find something for them as well as you and dad! We also have to go to Meijer soon and buy some grocceries and we are also doing pedicures with our investigator, Amanda, since her birthday is next week on Wednesday


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