Okemos, MI Oct. 2.2017

This week has been... long. Monday was a normal (ish) day. We had District meeting, interviews, blessings and then went home and slept. Tuesday was our P-day and we had a Sister who serves on MSU campus join us for that day because her companion was going to the temple on Friday with the Sisters serving in Lansing. So, it was a different kind of day. WednesdayThursday, and Friday were basically the same kind of days. Wake up, get ready, plan, study, companion study, eat, then head out for the day. Friday was a bit different because we had the same sister who was with us on Tuesday join us for another day. This time we went out door knocking. It was... interesting. Sister Knight (who serves on MSU campus), Sister Newby, and I first saw a woman who was out in her garden so we went over and talked to her. She wasn't interested in the church but we definitely had a lot of fun with her. She loved to say whatever was on her mind. Didn't matter what it was. She told me two times that I first looked like I was gonna cry and then she told me that I looked scared. So, that was fun. She also let my companion try one of the peppers from her garden. The peppers in her garden are sweet ones, but every once in a while, there's a really, really, really hot one. Well, guess which one my companion got? She said she bit into it, and it was like it was just instant pain in her mouth. That woman literally ran inside and got her a glass of milk. When that didn't work she went back inside and got her a roll to chew on. Well, by that time Sister Newby's lips were numb. It was hilarious to watch her try and chew that roll! After that we continued down the road and door knocked into an older man who knew all about the Church! Turns out, he and his wife along with his kids had been converts to the church before they decided that they disagreed with some things that we taught. We asked him what his concerns were and he told us "Well, you worship John Smith." "Actually sir, we don't worship Joseph Smith. We follow the example of Jesus Christ to better ourselves and ultimately become more like our Father in Heaven." "Oh, well... (goes on a rant)." "Well sir, we better get going. Do  you mind if we say a prayer with you?" "Yeah, sure" So, we say a prayer with him and when we're done he just looks at each of us and says "I'm so thankful that you say prayers using the name of Jesus Christ." It was an awesome experience. We dropped Sister Knight off at her apartment with her companion and then we went to dinner. After dinner we went to Urgent Care... turns out that some of the reasons for me being so sick is because 1. I'm dehydrated and 2. I have gastritis. And no, it does not mean that I'm gassy. It just means that I have pain in the upper lining of my stomach. So that's fun. Saturday, we went to General Conference at the Stake Center and then at a members home. It was super fun. The members here are so nice. Yesterday, we watched the morning (more like afternoon) session at another members home and then we went out and knocked on a door, got turned down, and then had call-ins with the Elders. Then, we went to another members home and made Pumpkin rolls (they're so good) before the afternoon (more like evening) session started. They also fed us dinner and before we left we got mooned by their oldest son (who is autistic and is also getting potty trained) so that was a very... fun/interesting night for us. Today, we have District P-day with the Elders so hopefully it's fun. 
Thanks for keeping me updated on how everyone is doing back home! It's so exciting to hear that Bode got to play in the Varsity game! That's awesome! Tell him to keep up the good work! It's awesome that Brek is also playing football. Does he like it? How is dad doing? I haven't heard much from him/about him recently. How are you doing, mom? 
I loved the talk from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. It. Was. Amazing. I love how he is so bold and confident with telling people that they need to step up. It gives me more confidence to continue to go out everyday and talk to more people!  
I love you!
-Sista Freeman

I forgot to send one pick from a few weeks ago from zone conference with some Sisters that we rode up with! Then there's pictures of Sister Newby being a dweeb. The one with the quote of the day is because I was feeling nauseous. The other two are the pepper experience that she had. 


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