Okemos, MI Nov. 6.2017

Hey mom!! It's snowing way more in Washington right now than here in Michigan! It is getting colder though so I'm not sure I'm too excited about that. We went out knocking in the pouring rain the other day and when I knocked on the door, I looked at Sister Carroll and she said that it would soon be time for us to go and get a ping pong ball to help us knock on the frozen doors! But, also a really funny experience that happened that same day... As we were knocking in the pouring rain, Sister Carrolls umbrella broke. So, we knocked one more house, got into our car and went to meijer to buy a new umbrella for her as well as some gloves. Once we pulled into a parking space, we both looked at each other and said that after buying her an umbrella, it would most likely have stopped raining by the time that we got out of the store. Well, we went in, bought an umbrella and some gloves, and walked outside... Into the sun. Yeah, Michigan weather is sometimes predictable. But, we did end up having a lot of small miracles this week. For one, we aren't sick even though the weather is changing, so that's a plus. I got my blood drawn this week as well. The only part I didn't like was the needle going in. Everything else, I was fine with! We are working really hard with one of our investigators, Amanda, about baptism. She has a really strong testimony of the church but is really scared of commitment. So, sad news is that we might be dropping her. But, we have picked up a lot of new investigators recently which is pretty exciting! Hopefully we can get them on baptismal date. But, two of them are really good friends with Amanda. We tried to put one of them on date the other day and the first thing that came out of her mouth was "Is Amanda baptized yet?". Ouch. So, she's not on date either. But, we are having a heart to heart with Amanda tomorrow, so hopefully all goes well. If all does go well, we will put her on date for baptism. If not, we drop her until she reaches out to us again. But, this week has been awesome. I have met quite a few people with connections to Washington so it's been comforting. One was Sister Schwendimans brother and the other one was a guy from our ward! His mom lived in Kennewick! So, lots of fun connections and fun memories. Sister Carroll and I have been able to get to know each other even more this week and we have really grown closer together. We have a lot of door knocking ahead of us, but there have been a lot of really nice people that have talked to us. One guy even said thank you for taking the time to talk to him! Which doesn't happen very often at all! Usually, they all say that they don't want to waste our time. So that was a really cool experience.

Also, as a mission we were all told to stop where we were reading in the Book of Mormon and start all over. We are trying, as a mission, to read the entire Book of Mormon by December 21. That means reading 10 or more pages a day! As well as highlighting the things that are mentioned on page 114 in Preach My Gospel. I'm just barely getting into 2 Nephi! I feel like I'm behind, but there are so many things already highlighted in the Book of Mormon! I am learning way more than I ever had about Jesus Christ than I ever had before. It's amazing. President Brennan also challenged and committed everyone in the mission to memorize JSH 1:15-19 as well as verse 25. I already have verses 15-18 down... kinda. There are still a few bumps as I try to remember everything, but I feel the Spirit so strongly as I put in all my effort to memorize these verses. I know without a doubt that what those verses say is all truth. The Spirit always testifies to me the truthfulness of these verses as I memorize them each time. But, if you would like to commit yourself and the fam to doing at least one of these things, I promise that you will gain a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon, the love that Jesus Christ has for you, and the truthfulness and the reality of the First Vision. It will change your life. It's already changed mine!!

Tell Bode and Brek I said hi and that I love and miss them. I loved Breks analogy by the way. I might just use it for a lesson sometime!! Tell Bode that I am proud of him and all that he is accomplishing! Tell Dad that I love and miss him and that I always think of the times that he would tell about his mission. Those stories are part of the reason that I am also serving a mission. 
I love you all!!
-Sister Freeman 

We only have a small DVD player to be able to watch church movies on. Nothing too fancy! But, we found out that we get iPhones ranging from next January to March. I would honestly love that! It would be so much easier to send scriptures and mormon messages to people!
Sis Freeman and Sis Carroll

Lamanite Squirrel

Sky before a down pour


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