Okemos, MI November 27.2017

I will let you know on Saturday about the companion size because I don't know if I am staying or being transferred yet. I'm hoping to stay for one more transfer because usually when Sister missionaries get in an area, they stay longer than Elders. I saw the pictures and it looked like you all had a lot of fun at Grandma Nielsons! Its so weird that Christmas is coming up so soon! I am still working on Breks Christmas present. But don't worry, I'll get it done! I did get the scarf and hats as well as the snow boots! The hats are a little big but they're warm so that's nice! It hasn't been too cold here though so I haven't had much need to wear the hats and scarfs too much yet. For Thanksgiving we went over to a members house (the Bakers). They actually moved in in August but are so involved with missionary work so that's really nice! We actually don't have a car this week so Sister Baker picked us up and we were able to enjoy a few hours of Thanksgiving with them. Since Sister Carroll and I didn't have a car we ended up staying in for the rest of the night. This week has been amazing. On Friday night we had Thanksgiving with a member and her less active son, as well as our two investigators Cece and Antonio. It was awesome. I have definitely gained weight this week.

Dang Bode is doing really good. I was actually able to share a story about him in District Meeting on Thursday and everyone was really impressed with his faith. How is he doing? School going good for him?

I am so excited to skype all of you on Christmas!

This week Sister Carroll and I tried to do better with door knocking even though we didn't have a car. And because of Sister Carrolls foot we don't usually get too far. So, we had a member bring us a wheelchair for her to use while we went door knocking! It's hilarious!! I have to push her up hills cause its hard for her to get up them. It is so much fun to be able to get back out and go door knocking! We are now sharing the Christmas Initiative "Light the World" with everyone that we meet. It's on Mormon.org and it starts December 1 and ends December 25. It's #LighttheWorld in 25 days, over 25 ways. It's gonna be awesome!

My companion and I were able to go to the Detroit Temple on the 17! It was awesome! Could you send me more names though? I don't have any more to do at the moment, but a lady that we bumped into at the temple asked us if we could do some of her family names for her! It was a pretty neat experience to see someone so excited about their ancestors. It just goes to show how the gospel changes peoples lives! Even if they have been a member their whole life! 

We have been able to see a miracle here with a family that we are working with. Both the parents are members but the dad is less active. We are teaching his 3 oldest kids (all girls) who are 15, 13 and 11. Their mom recently told us that they are looking for a day in December for them to get baptized! Their dad has even been coming to church for 5 weeks out of the 6 Sundays of this transfer. That's a lot of progress!! We are so excited for these girls to get baptized. They have so much knowledge about the gospel. Whenever we go over there, they teach us!! We have to come up with creative ways for them to continue to learn more so that we can teach them. It's a lot of fun. We were also able to talk to our investigator Amanda (who has been investigating for a year) about some of her concerns with being baptized. She really opened up to us! She asked if we could set up a time for her to receive a Priesthood blessing to help her stop drinking coffee. She is really progressing now and we can see that she is getting closer to being baptized. 

Also, I just got the picture from when President Nelson came! There are a lot of missionaries serving here!


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