Okemos, MI January 8.2018
It is so crazy that it is already 2018! I can't believe it! The crazier thing is is that I might be going home in December of this year if President allows me to. So that is SUPER weird! Hopefully everything is alright with Bodes foot. It's good that he is able to walk on it! I am so glad that dad is getting better but I am happy that I didn't have to be there for the bad gas issues. Hopefully the stench leaves the house soon.
That is so cool that the wrestling team did so good! Is Bode loving wrestling? I am so happy that Lexi got a wedding dress! She looks so pretty and so happy!! She and Mason are perfect for each other!
Sister Summer Freeman
This week has been really cold! Sister Carroll and I had interviews on Monday, District P-Day on Tuesday which was a blast! We wore our matching MLM pants that you sent us for Christmas! We looked great! We got Priesthood blessings on Wednesday so that we could go out and work without feeling like complete death all the time. It worked! The next day we were feeling WAY better and ended up going out door knocking! It was great! We didn't get any new investigators this week which kind of stinks and we weren't able to meet with anyone this week either. I was able to share a great story of Aunt Sara with a Less Active woman that we are working with. She really enjoyed it. She has had a rough couple of years. First, her brother was murdered and his roommate only called her to let her know that he was dead. She gets to the house and he's in the kitchen making himself lunch! So, she calls 911 after going up to her brothers room and seeing him dead. Then, this past June, her son was murdered. So sad!! Her mom is also not doing good and has had a lot of health issues. Her sister died a few years ago as well. So she is struggling a bit. But, I shared the story of when Uncle Kollin died and Aunt Sara in court forgives the man. She was shocked that Aunt Sara did that! But I told her that in order for us to move on with our lives and continue to move forward and to trust in God, you need to forgive!
Yesterday for Sacrament Meeting, I got up and bore my testimony since it will be my last time to bear it here in Meridian! Sister Carroll and I got up at the same time though. When Sister Carroll started bearing her testimony, she said "You know you have comp. unity when both you and your companion listen to the promptings of the Spirit and get up at the same time to bear your testimony." It was great. I am so sad about that! I love this area with all my heart! It is definitely going to be hard to leave this area and Sister Carroll.
I love you all so much!! Keep working hard and being examples of Christ! Don't be afraid to share the gospel! Your testimony will grow as you do so!
1. When you and your companion are so close that you practically have the same clothes 
2. Piggy back rides don't work when you have a tall companion. Her legs are almost touching the ground!!
3. Piggy back rides DO work when you have a tall companion and your the short one 
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