Owosso, MI January 29.2018

This week went by SO fast! I can't believe it! It is insane how alike Sister King and I are! We both have the same kind of humor and we think the same! All the time! We went door knocking a lot this week. We doorknocked for a full 3 hours on Thursday. That was actually a lot of fun. Even though the street was super long and took up the full 3 hours to knock, we had a blast! We knocked on this one guys door and he opens the door and says," Jehovahs?" We respond with a no. Then he says, "Mormons?" We respond with a yes! He then answers by saying,"Bye." and then closing the door quickly. As he was closing the door, Sister King and I both yelled out,"Have a good day!" We got a kick out of what had happened on that door step.  We also asked a lady if she needed any help and she responded,"Oh no thanks. I'm just cleaning since all the snow has melted. I'm just trying to get rid of someone elses cat puke off of my doorstep. Just cause ya know, I love to do that." Well, we didn't really know what to say to that. Thankfully, this woman was a true Michigander and kept talking. We didn't say much to her but, we were glad we at least talked her! We also had a tender mercy that day while door knocking. We ended up finding members on that street! They had just moved in and weren't able to come to church since the wife was pregnant with their 4th child and was having contractions. She invited us to come back some other time though! On most, if not all the doorsteps, Sister King and I would always start talking at the same time, saying the same thing. Having that happen broke the ice more than once with the people who would answer the doors. They would laugh and then start talking to us. We were able to testify of the Book of Mormon on almost every doorstep that we came to. It was amazing. 

We only have one investigator right now and that is Jolee. She moved her baptismal date back a week and it is now on the 17th of February. She is having such a hard time. Satan is really working hard on her. She obviously is going to do great things if he is working this hard on her. She breaks down crying every time we have a lesson with her just because of how stressed she is. We asked on Saturday if she had been reading the Book of Mormon and praying every day. She told us that she hadn't. So, we recommitted her to reading the Book of Mormon and praying everyday. She sat up straight and said confidently that she would. No matter what. If she didn't feel like reading it, she would force herself to. Jolee is so determined to get baptized! She is a great example to me of determination!

In one day, all the snow came back. That day, is today. I absolutely love it. Sister King, not as much. She thinks its pretty, she just doesn't like being out in the snow. Haha I guess that's one of the only things that we don't agree on!

Sometimes missionary work is really stressful and you just don't have time to do some things! No big deal haha, Dang, my trainer had a few months left and every single day she would just talk about her family and how she couldn't wait to go home. That didn't help me at all though cause I was already super homesick. Obviously I'm doing better now though! It really does take on a whole new meaning when you write letters. It makes it more meaningful in a way, you know? 

"I am called of God. My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my Master and He has chosen me to represent Him, stand in His Place, to say and do what He himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whome He has sent me. My voice is His voice, and my acts are His acts, my words are His words and my doctine is His doctrine. My commission is to do what He wants done, to say what He wants said, to be a living modern witness, in word and deed, of the divinity of His great and marvelous latter-day work. How GREAT is my CALLING." 

I love you all! 
-Sister Summer Freeman


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