Owosso, MI February 12.2018

Hello! I did get the Valentines day package! So cute! Thanks for sending that to me!

We got so much snow this weekend. It was insane! My snowboots don't keep the snow out of my shoes so I am wearing my rain boots today haha. Sis. King and I had a lot of fun in the snow one day as you will see in some of my pictures. We took turns pushing each other into the snow. It was a lot of fun! Zone conference was a blast! I got to Sister Carroll which I was so happy about! Also, that pic that you sent of Sis. Carroll and Sis. Szoke... They aren't together anymore. Sister Szoke was causing problems so she is now in Dewitt which is in my District. Sister Carroll is with Sister Scott now. Sister King is from South Jordan, Utah. She goes home in March of 2019.

She and I have had some issues this week. She gets so mad about anything and everything. I try to cheer her up and get her from not being mad anymore, but she just ignores me until we have a lesson and then she acts like everything is okay. Its starting to stress me out a lot. I told her yesterday that it is stressing me out and she said that she would work on that. Then, last night she got mad twice cause we were having companion study and I told her we should stay off the phone so that we could study together. She got mad, so I gave her the phone, then she started yelling at me about how I was mad. I couldn't hold it. I told her I was not the one that was always mad and that she needed to stop acting like this. Well, she got onto the phone and listened to a voicemail that we had. Then she apologized after companion study was over. As we were sitting in bed and I was writing in my journal, she started yelling at me again and I told her she needed to calm down and stop being so mad at me cause I hadn't done anything to her. Then she yelled back at me saying that I needed to stop saying that she was always mad because at that time she wasn't even mad. So, as calmly as I could, I told her that her tone of voice told me that she was mad. Then I went back to writing in my journal. I am so stressed out and I don't know what to do. I love Sis. King but sometimes... she scares me. 

I am so excited to hear all about Wrestling State!! I would love an invitation!! Oh I am so excited for Lexi and Mason. Do you realize that I come home at the end of this year? I go home so soon!! Also, Jolee was supposed to get baptized this Saturday, but we found out that she is on probation so she can't get baptized until after March 8. We told her yesterday and she seemed... okay but also kinda annoyed. We asked our ward mission leaders wife to reach out to her (Sister Riley) and Sister Riley texted us and told us that Jolee feels rejected right now because she can't get baptized on Saturday anymore. So sad. Hopefully she doesn't block us out. Please continue to pray for her. 

I was on trade offs with the Sister Training Leaders (STL's) on MSU campus on Thursday night and most of Friday. I was able to share something about Lexi to help an investigator come to church on Sunday. I told him how she tries to not do homework on Sunday and that she has been blessed so much because of that. He said that he would be there on Sunday. It was an amazing experience. Thanks for being a good example to people out here in Michigan, as well as to me. 

Finding is... always interesting. We never know what to expect. We went finding on Wednesday. We knocked 2 streets and only 1 person opened the door. She talked to us for a little bit before telling us to get off her property because she "doesn't like the Latter-Day Saints". We go out everyday rain or shine. Its a lot of fun haha.  

I love you all so much!
-Sister Summer Freeman 

This email is for Bode!

Bode!! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and your testimony. I have been able to tell stories about you to investigators and less active members and they have had a change in their hearts about how important it is to pray and to study the Book of Mormon daily. I am so grateful for you. You will be an awesome missionary one day. I just wanted to let you know how proud I feel every time I am prompted to tell a story about you, because it makes me more and more grateful for the opportunity that I have to be your older sister. Bode, you have changed my life. I love you so much bud. You are an example to me. Thank you for changing so many lives out here in Michigan. You have definitely changed mine. 


Sister Summer Freeman 


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