Owosso, MI February 19.2018
So happy to hear about how things went at State! So sad that I wasn't there to cheer people on. I bet it was a lot of fun. Oh Rose. I miss her and Crystal so much. Tell them I say hi!
Did Lexi and Mason go to State as well? Or did they stay in Rexburg? Haha we didn't have church here for 2 weeks. We finally had Church yesterday. Sister King and I are no longer Less Active missionaries! I taught second hour Gospel Principles. I was a nervous wreck but somehow I made it through. Make sure to send me an invitation! I am so excited for Lexi. How are wedding plans going?
Sister King and I have definitely been trying to follow the promptings of the Spirit way more this week. We only have one investigator, Rachel. Jolee dropped us. It was really sad. We both got the prompting on Saturday to stop by her house. So, we stopped by and no one answered. We then got a prompting to go to her ex-boyfriends house. So, we went over there. Again, no one answered. We left an ITL card (invitation to learn) at both her house and his house. Then, we finally got the prompting to try texting her. She stopped responding back to us on Tuesday and we were getting worried about her. Hence why we prayed and followed the promptings on how to get in contact with her. Well, after texting her she answered back. Turns out she was in Indiana with her uncle and cousin. We asked if we could meet with her this week and she said "No.". So, we left the conversation at that and continued on with our day. We were still door knocking at 7:30 at night when we got a text from Jolee. She was livid. She told us that we overstepped a boundary in going to her ex's house. We told her that since she wasn't responding back to us, we prayed and were guided by the Spirit to her house, then her ex's and prompted to leave ITL cards at both houses. Then, we got the prompting to text her. She told us that we weren't very good missionaries because missionaries are supposed to understand boundaries and promptings. She said that it wasn't a prompting that led us to her house. We told her again that it was and then asked her "How do you think missionaries found you?". Well, the conversation ended at that because she was only found because Sisters King and Morganson followed the promptings they got to go door knock on the street where she was living with her (now ex) boyfriend at the time. Yesterday we got a surprise text from her apologizing to us that she had gotten mad. She told us that she loved us and thanked us for all we had taught her. It was really surprising for both Sis. King and I to get a text from Jolee apologizing to us.
We had an appointment set up with a potential investigator named Bob, but we found out quickly that during the hour that we had with him he just wanted to bash about original sin from Adam and Eve, how the Book of Mormon is written (not translated) by Joseph Smith, and how the Catholic church dates all the way back to Christ himself. So that was interesting. We decided to not make a return appointment with him
But, this week has had its ups and downs. We have been able to have a lot of time to go out finding more people and really exercise more faith in Jesus Christ and His plan for both of us. With transfer calls on Friday. We don't know what is going to happen. So, we will be emailing on Saturday as well.
We mostly get fed every night so its pretty nice. Except that we are both trying to lose weight .
I love you all! Hope you all have a good week!
Love, Sister Summer Freeman
1. Your favorite Sisters
2. Us door knocking.
3. A little snowman that somebody built outside our apartment complex
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