Owosso, MI February 24.2018

WE PICKED UP A NEW INVESTIGATOR AND PUT OUR OTHER INVESTIGATOR ON DATE!! So, we aren't sure how solid our new investigator is, but we are so happy that our prayers were answered. She reads any kind of scripture that she can get her hands on. When we gave her the Book of Mormon she immediately said that she would read it. It was really cool. So, we left her with 3 Nephi 11 to read and in return, she gave us Psalms 91 to read. She has SO many questions. She even asked us a deep doctrine question. My companion and I looked at each other and were like,"Oh man... What do we say?". It was interesting. She is definitely a gander-ranter. But, our other investigator, is pregnant and wanted to baptized April 7 because that is when she hopes that the morning sickness will be gone by. She wants the bishop to marry her and her boyfriend before that though so that she can get baptized since they are living together. But, transfer calls came yesterday! I am staying in Owosso and getting a new companion. Her name is Sister Grant. Sister King is going to Saginaw. We are excited for our new assignments but sad to be leaving each other. We had a fun week together though. We got to see President Brennan on Wednesday which was a bit of a surprise but a good one. He interviewed all of us and when he interviewed me he also gave me a Priesthood blessing. He talked a lot about what my future has in store for me. It was really interesting. Also, I am still waiting for a letter from Brek or Bode. I got a pokemon card as a gift from a little boy in the ward. I'm planning on sending it home to whoever sends me a letter first ;) Also, do you know if Haylee got my letter? I sent her a letter for her birthday but I'm not sure if she got it or not. But anyway, I'll have a lot more to tell you next next Monday I'm sure. I love you all! Have a great week! Also, read D&C 33:8-10. Open your mouths! Share the gospel!
Love, Sister Summer Freeman

PS Sis Freeman said that we should be receiving an email from Pres. Brennen soon about getting smart phones.

1. So much rain! There was a flood warning here
2. The district
3. door knocking! (we saw a miracle and planted another seed in someones heart)
4. River flooding
5. Pokemon card for whomever writes first.


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