Bay City, MI April 16. 2018

NOTE: I'm still trying to recover from Lexi's wedding so this letter actually came on Monday but I'm just getting to it.

Sis Freeman's new address
It has been really good! Sister Olsen is amazing! Her and I get along so well! We had an ice storm come in starting Friday night, it lasted all day Saturday, church got cancelled Sunday, and then it continued throughout Sunday and started raining last night. It was insane! This week has been great though! Bay City is definitely different than any other area I have had. Its pretty crazy here and there are some weird people. I love it here already though! Sister Olsen and I have a lot of fun together! We are always laughing either at or with each other. Its pretty great. I am so excited for Lexi and Mason to get married tomorrow! I'm gonna need a lot of pictures and videos! I had a dream last night about being home and going on a different mission to Japan. At the airport we were seeing Joslyn get home from her mission in Spain, then I got on the plane and went to Japan. It was really weird.

But anyway, here are some pictures from this week!
1. Our first full day together!!
2. The view from my bed... but then we rearranged on Sunday so it doesn't look like that anymore. 
3. Us in the rain on Friday before it became ice!
4. The night the ice came...
5. April Showers bring Snow Plowers
6. German Pancakes
I am so grateful to be serving a mission! It is one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. This week I hit 9 months! Crazy!!! Time is just flying by so fast! By the end of this transfer I will be at 10 months! Eek! I hope you are all doing well and I am so so so happy and excited for Lexi and Mason! Tell them they will be getting a letter from me soon. Wait... do I just send it home though? Where are they going to be living? I am so confused. Anyway, I love you!!!
Love, Sister Summer Freeman 


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