Bay City, MI April 23.2018

MOMMA'S NOTE:  UGH!!  No pictures this week!!  I need pictures!!

That is so good to hear about! I'm glad everything went well for the reception! I am so happy for Lexi and Mason. How are they doing? Or have you heard anything yet? Wow... I haven't heard from Lexi in a while. I know she's happy though so that's all I care about! 
About this week...
Miracles upon miracles!!! Sister Olsen and I picked up two new investigators this week! One at McDonalds (it was even in the playground section of McDonalds) and she felt the Spirit so strong that she started crying! Right there, in the midst of all that chaos, she felt God's love for her. It was an amazing experience. The other investigator we picked up happened on Saturday. We ended up getting a call from her telling us that she wanted to start meeting so that she could get baptized. Whoa. It was a total miracle!! So, we met with her on Saturday and found out that she wants to get baptized the end of May. Super cool!! Then, today as we were emailing, this guy randomly comes up to us and asks how we do baptisms. So, we start talking and soon enough he has our number, the address to the church,, a Book of Mormon, and a Restoration pamphlet in hand. It was really cool to have that happen! It was a huge miracle that definitely showed Sis. Olsen and I that we need to be prepared at all times. We did take a lot of pictures this week, but unfortunately Sis. Olsen left her adapter at the apartment so we can't send any home this week. You'll be getting lots next week though! 

Investigators really are the best! We are working hard to get all of them on date for baptism. Can you believe that I will be hitting 10 months next month?  Marty and Marnie. Both girls.  They are older. One is a grandma. The other I don't think has kids. Then there was a guy who came up to us today while we were emailing, his name is Tony. He is looking for a church that will help him and his sons. Pray hard for him!!!

Anyway, I love all of the pictures that you were able to take at Lexi's wedding. Lexi looks stunning. Mason is one lucky guy! 

I love you all! I hope you all have a fantastic week! Guess what? On May 13th, we get to skype for Mothers day! I know that I am getting excited! Hope you all are just as pumped as I am!
Love you!
-Sister Summer Freeman 


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