Bay City, MI April 30.2018

This last week has been CRAZY!! So my companion told me that a tooth was bothering her but that it had started to bother her when she first came out so she wasn't too worried about it. Well, Saturday night, she didn't sleep at all! She was up pacing the apartment because the pain from her tooth was hurting her SO bad. We called our Mission Presidents wife and told her, and didn't go to church yesterday because Sister Olsen was drugged up, tired and in pain. So, she slept for 4 hours yesterday while I studied out of ensigns and in the Book of Mormon. It was great. It was also a bit of a long day. We called our Mission President and he said that he was already heading to Saginaw to give another Sister a blessing so he would come to Bay City to give Sister Olsen a blessing. Then he told her to call our Stake President who is a dentist and see what he advises us to do. So, we called him and he told her that if a tooth keeps ya up at night, you're gonna have to get a root canal. Yikes. He sent in a prescription for her but when we went to pick it up, the pharmacy was closed! So, we called Sister Brennan (Mission Presidents wife) and told her our problem. So she called the hospital and asked if there were any pharmacies in Saginaw open 24 hours and there was! So we called our Stake President back and asked him to send the prescription in to the 24 hour pharmacy in Saginaw. So, he did! Our Mission President picked up my companions drugs! haha it was great. Also a huge blessing and miracle. When he came over it was 10:20 and they both looked so tired! But they still came in and Sister Olsen was able to get a blessing from our Mission President. It was pretty great. 

But other than that, Sister Olsen and I have two people on date for baptism! We are so excited for them. One is on date for June 2 and the other for May 26. They are huge miracles to us. We love them so much. We also have a guy that we just started teaching. His name is Bob. He has one crazy story! He is usually on prescription medications due to his body constantly being in pain. So, he never stops talking. We were able to find out though that most (if not all) of what he believes is what we believe. Pretty cool!! He is trying to read the Book of Mormon but he said its kinda hard since he can't see the words. So, we have to get him a large print copy of the Book of Mormon. He is so sweet though. We were able to wash dogs this week!! It was so much fun! Two corgi's and one hound dog. The hound dog is my favorite! She is just the cutest thing ever!! I don't have a picture of her yet though. I'm working on it, I promise.

Funny moment of the week:
Bathroom doors hurt to run into. So, the lights were off in our apartment except for one lamp in our bedroom. Our bathroom has two doors. One that you can use going through our bedroom and the other from the hallway. My bed is closer to the door in the hallway. So, I got up to go into the bathroom (I forgot what I was gonna do, but apparently it was important at that time) and crashed into the door. Apparently my companion hadn't opened it after she had used it. So yeah, that was fun.  I got to hold a hamster this week!! It pooped on me as I was putting it down though...

Anyway, sorry for the long email. 
Love ya! Have a great week!
Love, Sister Freeman

 This was on trade offs. So the Sister Training Leaders are training a brand new missionary. That is Sister Chapman and Sister Gales. Sister Gales is the shorter one. She is the cutest person ever! She is from Tennessee. Super cute! 


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