Facebook Post May 16.2018

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
The Book of Mormon has changed my life. When I pray, I then turn to the Book of Mormon for answers. God still speaks to man today! He chose Joseph Smith to be the prophet at the time to help restore His true church to the earth. Why would he choose a 14 year old boy though? Well, if you were going to choose two random people, one older and one young, and tell them that you have new information for them, who would be more receptive? The one who has more life experience will not be as receptive to your message. A younger person is still learning the ways of the world. They will be more willing to listen. That is why God chose Joseph Smith when he was 14 years old. He did it in the Bible as well! Remember the story of Samuel? He was young when he was called to be a prophet! God works in patterns. God does not change. I know with my whole heart that the Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ. For me, the Bible is hard to read and understand. The Book of Mormon helps to clarify what the Bible says. It doesn't take away from the Bible, but it goes hand in hand with it. Reading from the Book of Mormon brings me so much peace and comfort. It helps me to know where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going. I ask that each of you read, ponder, and pray with real intent to know if the Book of Mormon is true. I promise that you will also be able to find the same peace and joy that I and millions of others have found around the world.


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