Facebook Post, May 7.2018

As a representative of Jesus Christ, and as followers of Jesus Christ, are we doing literally ALL we can do? Are we asking God for moments to share our faith and our testimonies? Are we willing to take a step back and realize how many people need our help? We are the hands of Christ here on earth. We have promised that every day we would be doing things that Christ himself would do. Are we doing that? I know that as we truly align our will with our Heavenly Fathers and His Son Jesus Christ, we will find that we are receiving so many blessings from our Heavenly Father. So put down the phone, put aside your needs, and look up. Look around. Then ask God, " who needs me today? How can I be your hands today?"

I promise you that God has more in store for us than what we think. He knows what we need. He knows what others need. So ask. Do his will. Become a better follower of Jesus Christ and you will find peace in Christ.


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