Bay City, MI May 19.2018
This week has been pretty good! We got our calls yesterday and neither of us are leaving Bay City which is good! We are super excited to be able to spend another 6 weeks together. We picked up 2 new investigators yesterday which was super exciting! Their names are Sophia and Patrick. They've been married for a couple years now and have been looking for a church to go to for a while now. The missionaries knocked on their door about a year ago but they weren't able to go to church or have the discussions because Patrick had 2 major surgeries. So one day we get a call from Sophia saying that they wanted to meet! We set up a time and met with them Friday which was really good. We gave them a Book of Mormon to read. They also said they would be coming to church tomorrow! We were able to get another person on date for baptism on June 16. Her name is Tasha and she is just a sweetheart! We are so excited for her. We also got Bob on a soft baptismal invite meaning that he is thinking about getting baptized now. So cool!! We reached our goal of finding 5 new investigators this transfer and have seen so many miracles from technology.
I am in need of some summer clothes. There are also a lot of places here in Bay City that have things for cheaper. I can check out some of those places as well. Shirts that I don't need an undershirt for would be great! It got up to 76 with no clouds so we decided to walk and we were drenched when we got back to our apartment! I might also need some more garments. Just a few more like 2 or 3 pairs. Not too much. If not, that's okay as well. I can survive. I'm sorry that Lex has been sick. I think she and I must be connected cause I've been having a little bit of a sore throat as well. How is everyone? How is Mason? This transfer I will be turning 20! So weird!! My birthday is the day before transfer calls!
I love you all!!
Love, Sister Summer Freeman
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