Bay City, MI June 18.2018

So sorry about last week! My phone decided it didn't want to send my email to you guys and I found out the next day! I was just as shocked as you guys!! 

But, the week before went great! We gave Bob a church tour and he absolutely loved it!! He wasn't able to come to church the day after, but he promised that he would be coming this Sunday. AND HE DID!!! He said he loved it!! He is on date to be baptized July 7! He is so excited!! But, back to the week before. Last P-Day we went to Frankenmuth. We were able to see the biggest Christmas store in the world! It's called Bronners and it's AMAZING!! I'll try to send some pictures later after this email gets to you.  

This week, we had to drop a lot of investigators. It was pretty sad. But, we are hoping to be able to pick up new investigators through Door knocking, referrals, and former investigators. Hopefully we see lots of miracles!! We had 3 investigators at church this Sunday!! All of them are on date! We are so excited for all of them! I did get the package!! Thanks so much!! 

I love you all!! I love this work so much! Being a missionary is amazing and I'm sad that I only have 7 months left until I come home. It's exciting, but at the same time, not enough time. This work is amazing and being able to see the Gospel change lives first hand... there's nothing better. We were able to see a HUGE miracle with someone in our ward. He is 16 and struggling with the gospel. His dad is the Bishop though, so he comes. Usually he comes in a striped polo shirt and converse. Yesterday at church, he came in a white shirt and tie, along with church shoes. He even blessed the sacrament!! It was so cool to see!! His mom came up to us after church and thanked us for taking him to a lesson. We didn't think it had gone well, but it changed him. The gospel changed everyone!! Member or not! I was glad I was able to see that because I wasn't home to be able to see Bodes change, but God blessed me to be able to see a change in someone else. It's amazing what the gospel does. So go out and share the good news! The gospel isn't just for us, it's for everyone!! Share it!!

Have a great week everyone!! I love you all!! 
-Sister Summer Freeman 
The Doggie

 Sis Olsen and Sis Freeman
Biggest Christmas store ever!!

White fluff from the trees

Suntanned feet and arms

Michigan shirts


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