Facebook Post, June 17.2018-Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day to this amazing man who has truly taught me to walk in the light. I've always been a daddy's girl since day one. I've always wanted to be like my dad. I wanted to work hard like him, play rough, be cool, and most importantly serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My dad talked about his mission with pride. He showed us a picture once of him on his mission, and since that day, I felt the Spirit whisper to me that one day, I would also serve a mission like My daddy. My dad has been my rock and a huge help and comfort to me as I have tried to become better every single day. My dad is the kindest and hardest working man I know. He has told me every single time I try something new to 1st. Work my tail off and 2nd. Never give up. My dad inspires me daily to keep trying. I am so grateful that families are forever and that my dad will always be MY dad.
I LOVE YOU DAD! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! (Included a video of Sister Olsen and Sister Freeman singing "Teach me to Walk")


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